Reasons for Appeasement Reasonable demands T of V Change into peaceful nation Hitler could be trusted Visit by L. Lothian, D L George in early 30s Neville Henderson British Ambassador in Berlin Empire unwilling to give firm commitment Empire not ready to fight War in East and Europe Dominions thought everything should be done to resolve existing grievances - e.g. South Africa
Reasons for Appeasement No reliable allies France divided with internal problems “She cannot keep a secret for more than half an hour or a government for more than nine months” USA isolationist Russia Communist Japan, Italy - Fascist aggression League of Nations no faith in it Economy not strong enough WWI Great Depression
Reasons for Appeasement Armed Forces not ready Appeasement would buy time to rearm Public Opinion Horrors of WWI East Fulham by-election 1933 Oxford Union debate “This House would not fight for King and Country” Did the public control the govt opinion or vise versa? Communism Need help of Germany? Fascism the lesser evil