Example of a line of best fit y Year 8 Graphs Example of a line of best fit Line graph The type draw of graph we normally draw in science. Consists of small crosses joined with a straight or curved line Y axis The vertical scale up the side of a graph X axis The horizontal scale on a graph Origin The point on the graph where the x and y scale starts i.e. zero Directly proportional This describes a straight line graph going the origin Anomaly A piece of data which doesn’t fit the pattern of results Line of best fit A straight or curved line which best fits the pattern of the data. It will go through most of the data points but except for anomalies Gradient The steepness of a line Time Volume of gas produce by reaction y Anomaly x Example of a description As the amount of pesticide increases the thickness of the eggshell increases gradually. However, after a certain amount the thickness starts decreasing rapidly and in a straight line. Describing graphs Useful words for describing graphs: increase, decrease, straight, curved, flat, steep, gradually, quickly, directly proportional Tip for describing graphs: Divide the graph into sections where the pattern changes. Then describe each section separately.