Teacher Performance Assessment edTPA™ Introductions Pat starts…reviews why we are here, introduces Cathy & KD… Presented by: Karen Daly, Professional Development School Coordinator, District 21/ISU Pat McAndrews, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Cathy Kostecki, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Instruction
Agenda edTPA Defined Components Scoring and Timelines Impact on Cooperating Teachers Pilot Program Resources Pat Agenda
What is edTPA?
Organized by the Teacher Performance Assessment Consortium (TPAC), a national partnership Stanford University’s Center for Assessment, Literacy, & Equity (SCALE) American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Pearson Cathy
Developing a national performance standard An assessment of teacher candidates’ ability to demonstrate proficiency with respect to the core of effective beginning teaching Inherently, then, intends to define the core of effective beginning teaching CEBT
What is edTPA? Is a new teacher ready for the job? Pre-service teacher candidate assessment Multiple-measure assessment system aligned to state and national standards Designed by Stanford University faculty/staff, teachers, teacher educators Measures complex knowledge and skills necessary for successful teaching Classroom-based assessment focused on student learning Cathy Standards: Interstate Teacher and Assessment Support Consortium - iNTASC Common Core State Standards - CCSS Specialized Professional Association – SPA National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education – NCATE What “jobs” participate in edTPA? all “teaching” positions, not School Service Personnel
5 Components of Teaching Practice
Connect …. Find at least 7 Domain components/elements that connect to the components of teaching practice model founding edTPA. Danielson Domains for Professional Teaching & edTPA Components of Teaching
5 Components of Teaching Practice Domain 1 Domain 1 Domain 3 Cathy: Danielson’s Framework for Teaching is designed for professional learning for teachers as they self-assess, reflect on practice and engage in professional conversations. The Framework for Teaching can be used for a wide range of purposes including performance appraisal. Assessment of teaching practices focused on student outcomes. Alignments of Domains with 5-Components: Domain 1 Planning and Preparation, Domain 2 Classroom Environment, Domain 3 Instructional & Learning, Domain 4 Professional Responsibility Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 3 Domain 4
timelines 2013-14 Each Institution must begin phase-in of edTPA 2015-16 All programs must require edTPA within student teaching 2015-16 edTPA required for Professional Educator License (PEL)
ISU Implementation Timeline Various pilots across education programs National field test Spring 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Add pilots tests throughout education programs Field test through Pearson Fall 2012 Spring 2013 “shall begin using the TPA with at least some of its students” ISU edTPA - assess competency in student teaching Fall 2013 Spring 2014 ISU TPAcks to assess competency in student teaching Fall 2014 Spring 2015 TPA becomes consequential. Required for program completion. (Public Act 097-0607) September 1, 2015
Impact of assessment …on Student Teaching Programs …on Cooperating Teachers …on P-12 Partners
What’s in it for Teacher Ed? Rich feedback regarding program effectiveness Meaningful and consistent data used to improve programs and improve program curriculum Independent, objective affirmation regarding the quality of university programs Breaking the habit of “giving them the benefit of the doubt” Effect on graduation Changing coursework Shifting evaluation procedures Motivation to improve preparation
Shifting the definition of effective teaching Successfully delivering the curriculum “We got through the material” Having a positive imapct on Teaching “How have I affected student learning?” The edTPA intends to assess the candidate’s ability to demonstrate proficiency with respect to the core of effective beginning teaching. Inherently, then, it requires us to define the core of effective beginning teaching. At the center is the fundamental question: “How did I support my students so that they could meet the intended learning outcomes?” A teacher candidate considers his/her effectiveness in terms of his/her ability to support the learning needs of the students in the classroom. Did my students learn? How do I know?
What about the p-12 Partners? School/District Partnerships Cooperating Teachers Video Taping of Classrooms What about the p-12 Partners?
What about school/district partners? Provides a sharper focus on teacher effectiveness as having a positive impact on student learning Candidates, as prospective hires, are practicing to address more directly what administrators value Minimal to no new impact on classrooms and the work of cooperating teachers in terms of student teaching Potentially a very positive impact in terms of generating rich discussion of teacher effectiveness
…and the Cooperating Teachers? Instructional video taping PD Practical modeling of best practices Purposeful planning Academic vocabulary Student engagement Flexible scheduling for assessment completion Minimal support for reflective writing/revising Analyzing videos: metacognitive/reflective practice, cognitive coaching Modeling: cycle of planning, teaching, assessment, reflection… why I do what I do what are students learning? how do I know they are learning? what do I expect students to be able to independently “do” at the end of lesson? Scheduling: CTs will have to be flexible and supportive during the “week” of edTPA writing, teaching, reflecting Not responsible for logistical support, minimal content support
Benefits for Cooperating Teachers? Reflective Practice Co-Teaching Model(s) Inclusionary Practices Student Interventions Professional Development
What About Video Taping? Candidates are responsible for collecting permissions and ensuring confidentiality ISU: Working with TPAC, ISU Legal Counsel, and ISBE for some more formal measure of consequence regarding inappropriate use ISU Legal Counsel insists to see documentation assuring FERPA compliance “I do understand that violating any of the above conditions may result in disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation to suspend certification.” What if a candidate's classroom contains students who may not be filmed (witness protection program, religious objections, etc.)?
Questions for future consideration... Do the benefits of working with student teachers outweigh the legal risks of edTPA? How can our districts and CTs maximize the learning potential of supporting a teacher candidate through edTPA? Will Districts/Cooperating Teachers view working with student teachers as a threat to student growth under PERA?
Lessons we have learned Navigating video permissions Adequate support for student teachers Professional Development for Cooperating Teachers Responsibility… Video: multiple languages are not yet available Do we really know what happens to/who sees the videos? Does it matter? Support for ST – university personnel PD for CTs – university partnerships and district personnel Who is responsible? We all are, no?
Resources www.isbe.net/licensure/html/higher-education.htm www.edtpa.aacte.org