2015-16 Non-Title III Subgrantee LIEP Guidance Video OK: Hosted by Ivanna Mann Thrower Anderson on 12/1/15 archive run time approximately 20 mins 2015-16 Non-Title III Subgrantee LIEP Guidance
What is an LIEP? Language Instructional Education Program: A continuum of services created to “ensure that children who are limited English proficient, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet” (ESEA Section 3102(1)) and “to develop high-quality language instruction educational programs designed to assist states, districts and schools in teaching limited English proficient children and serving immigrant children and youth” (ESEA Section 3102(3)). https://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/title-iii/language-instruction-ed-programs-report.pdf Video Missing: Basically it is a continuum of services for LEP students to ensure equal access to the curriculum.
Who completes an LIEP? ALL LEAs and Charters who have at least 1 identified LEP student Title III Subgrantees complete the chart as part of the Title III Application process. Non-subgrantees must complete the chart (word format) and submit to ivanna.anderson@dpi.nc.gov via email attachment by December 18, 2015. Video Missing: ALL LEAs and Charters who have at least 1 identified LEP student Title III Subgrantees complete the chart as part of the Title III Application process. Non-subgrantees must complete the chart (word format) and submit to ivanna.anderson@dpi.nc.gov via email attachment by December 18, 2015.
Why complete an LIEP? LEP Students in North Carolina 2002 - 2015 Video Missing: Why? Because the population is growing and you will probably have more LEP students enroll. It helps you to have a game plan already in place for when that happens. North Carolina has seen a tremendous growth in the number of LEP students. The graph shows a small decline in numbers between the 08-09 and 09-10 school years, possibly due to economic impact and move from IPT to WIDA for LEP identification and annual testing. 99 out of 159 charters have LEP Students as of September 2014. (UPDATE) 13-14 97,283, 12-13 100,385, 11-12 104, 679, 10-11 107,303, 09-10 111,925, 08-09 118,573, 07-08 112,534, 06-07 96,725, 05-06 83,627, 04-05 78,395, 03-04 70,912, 02-03 60,149
Why complete an LIEP? The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA) office, Title III State Consolidated Grant Group monitored the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) the week of October 24-27, 2011. This was a comprehensive review of NCDPI’s administration of Title III, Part A, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended. As a result of this monitoring visit, NCDPI is collecting each LEA/Charter’s Language Instruction Education Programs (LIEP) information. Video Missing: The Feds told us to! It has turned out to be a wonderful mandate for the Feds. The LIEP truly helps you plan and communicate about your plan with administrators, content teachers, parents, etc. The plan is a living document and should be updated as needed to reflect actual student placement practices.
Where can I find NC information about the LIEP? http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/NC+Charter+Schools and http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/LEP+Coordinators 14 15 LIEP Guidance 14 15 LIEP Guidance PowerPoint for Webinar LIEP Guidance Webinar Sample Low Incidence and Charter LIEP Plans (Added 11/17/15) Review Checklist (DRAFT Added 12/1/15) Video Missing: We went to the live site to review documents at this point in the webinar. You can access the LIEP information from the Charter page and the LEP Coordinator’s page on the ESL wiki. Other documents are available as well. The guidance is dated 14 15 because we have not updated the plan this year. The LIEP guidance webinar is from last year, but you are welcome to view it. This year’s webinar will be added on both pages of the wiki. The final 3 links are discussed on the video. Note part of the LIEP Guidance discussion is missing but similar information is covered when the video comes back on.
What do I need to know? Video Missing: We walked through the LIEP Guidance document on the wiki and the video comes back on. (We cover a lot of the same information when the video comes back on and we look at low incidence samples) LIEP Guidance Directions: Using the constructs below, create a LIEP continuum rubric of services for your LEA and/or Charter. Consider the Criteria for determining the category of service, the Context in which services are provided in the LEA/Charter, and the actual Menu/List of Services that correspond to each category of service from the sample list below. Please specify how you are providing LIEP services for ELL/AIG and ELL/EC students. (Indicate on the chart of you do not have an AIG program) You can name the 3 categories in a way that makes sense for your program. You can add additional service levels if needed. Criteria should include information such as: Range of English Language Proficiency Levels (Domain specific and/or overall proficiency levels), Years in US Schools, First Language literacy, Previous Schooling (interrupted/continuous), Grade level expectations (Struggling/meeting/exceeding), Meeting HS Graduation Requirements, Recommendations by former teachers, Grade (PreK, K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) Context should include information such as: Itinerant teachers, low incidences, Teacher/Student Ratio Services should include information such as: Supplemental Computer Programs, Tutors (ESL/Content), Sheltered Instruction, Co-Teaching, Pullout ESL, Content-based ESL, Newcomers Program, Teacher/Student Coaching, District/Student LEP Plan, Small Groups, Peer Tutoring, Teacher Assistants, ELL related PD for content teachers, Appropriate Scheduling, Targeted Instructional Modifications/Accommodations (LinguaFolio, SIOP, ExC-ELL, relevant data analysis, use of supplemental materials, etc.)
When is the LIEP due? Submit the completed LIEP to ivanna.anderson@dpi.nc.gov in word format via email attachment by December 18, 2015 Video Missing: Submit the completed LIEP to ivanna.anderson@dpi.nc.gov in word format via email attachment by December 18, 2015
How will I receive feedback on the LIEP? Video OK: A team of 7 or 8 will review, send suggestions to author, author edits and send back to reviewer, reviewer may return for additional revision or pass to NCDPI for final review. We are looking for trends and ways to enhance the form and process. Expected timeline: Reviewers receive LIEPs before Christmas break. Authors receive feedback by Mid January. Hopefully documents are finalized by the end of January, before ACCESS testing begins. This document is currently in DRAFT form. The FINAL version will be indicated as final when loaded on the wiki. Note that each item can be rated at Clearly indicated, moderately indicated or needs clarification.
LIEP Review Team Volunteers? Contact Ivanna.Anderson@dpi.nc.gov Courtney McCurdy, KIPP, Durham NC Video OK: 120 non-subgrantees Service would be an artifact for NCESS leadership and working with diverse populations.
Questions? Video OK: