Class of 2019 Fall Presentation Before we start… Take out your phones and sign up for REMIND if you haven’t already! The number: 81010 Text: @mrsdreon
Grad Walk Monday, June 3rd Go back to visit your elementary school or if you didn’t attend LD at that time, attend your friend’s elementary to celebrate – sign up in April
ALL CHANGES REQUIRE A NOTE OF PERMISSION FROM HOME!! Schedule Changes Are you in the right classes? Monday 9/10 – Friday 9/21 elective changes are permitted – providing there’s space!! Monday 9/10 – Friday10/26 level changes are permitted with TEACHER and PARENT APPROVAL Also OK to drop an elective for a study hall if you don’t already have one but you MUST carry 6.0 credits this year ALL CHANGES REQUIRE A NOTE OF PERMISSION FROM HOME!!
Post Graduation Planning What is my career goal right now? Does my plan involve more school or work? Are there career programs that I can participate in this year to help explore my options? Do I need to take any college entrance exams? If so, what exam should I take and when should I do that? Have I done any post-secondary school searching? When will I visit? What College Reps are coming to Lower Dauphin?
Important events Financial Aid Night October 17 at 7:00 pm LDHS Library For students gr 9-12 and parents General financial aid info and how the process works FAFSA Night October 4 at 7:00 pm LDHS Library For SENIOR students and parents The FAFSA Application is completed by EVERY student who wants to be considered for any type of financial aid (grants, loans, work study, etc.) That application opens after October 1st
Key Resources Career, College and Major searching College reps visiting LD – sign up in Naviance Career Planning College Applications! Career, College and Major searching Testing info, military recruiters, links to career planning, directions for Naviance Junior and Senior College information Packet
Academics and testing this year ASVAB SAT SAT Subject Tests ACT Civil Service Test
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Given by Armed Services on Oct 24 during periods 1-4 Important for those considering military careers Sign up today and hand in your form to Mrs. Weber in the Counseling Office
CIVIL SERVICE EXAM 70% of state employment options require a Civil Service Exam! No degree require Lots of job opportunities that would include on-the- job training “The State Civil Service Commission was established to administer a merit system of employment to ensure the hiring and promoting of the most qualified individuals for civil service covered jobs.”
SAT/SAT SUBJECT TESTS ACT Given at LD on Dec 8 and April 13 Register online at Scores: English, math, science reasoning, and reading Take only if required Optional essay on the SATs Subject Tests are only required by certain schools Given on: November 3 at LD (also October 6 at Hershey HS) Register online at
WE ASK FOR TWO WEEKS NOTICE TO PROCESS ALL APPLICATIONS This is Mrs. Cogan. She is the one managing your college apps, transcripts, recommendation letters, etc. This is Mrs. Weber. She maintains our list of scholarships and can help you with those applications. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.” St. Mother Teresa
Naviance Directions and Homework… Make a note of your user name/password Add your email address to your profile (under About Me) Start adding schools to your lists See if any of the schools you are interested in are visiting us here in the HS and sign up to meet them Complete your STUDENT BIO SHEET! Make a list of your deadlines and start your applications (on each school’s website) Start looking at scholarships Ask teachers for letters of recommendation (if the programs you are looking for require letters and/or if you think you might apply for scholarships)