Eastern Europe Russia Ms. Vignocchi 7th Grade Honors World History Cobalt Institute of Math and Science
Kievan Rus A.D. 500 Slavs divide into 3 groups South were the Coats, Servs and Bulgarians West were Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks East were Ukrainians and Russians A.D. 700s Vikings move into Slavs and become Rulers called Rus A.D. 900 Rus ruler Oleg makes “state” near the city of Kiev – Kievan Rus, small group territories Byzantine missionaries come there Rus Ruler, Vladimir marries Byzantine Emperor’s sister Vladimir adopts Eastern Orthodox Christian religion for himself and his people
Kiev falls to Mongols A.D. 1240, Mongols ‘swept’ into Kievan Rus Slavs call them Tartars, one tribe – Tata people Mongols destroy nearly all major cities and kill people Novgorod only remains because city leaders PAY tribute to Mongols and accept them as rulers Novgorod face attacks from German & Swede army Slav’s leader, Alexander Nevsky defeats Germans & Swedes Mongols Khan rewards Nevsky with title of ‘Grand Duke’
Moscow Rises Despite Mongol Destruction, Moscow grows into a big city Moscow is located at the crossroads of several important trade routes Nevsky’s son, Daniel, and his descendants become rulers of Moscow They Marry women from ruling Slavic families They fought wars to expand Moscow’s land Moscow is important – home of Russian branch of Eastern Orthodox Church A.D. 1462, Ivan II, ruler of Moscow marries Sophia, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Ivan builds cathedrals and palaces in Kremlin – the fortress of Moscow Called himself Czar – short for Caesar, which is emperor Ivan III, A.D. 1480 drove Mongols out of Russia Expanded territory to N & W Ivan III dies A.D. 1505 – Russia on the way to a vast empire