Science Starter Take out your station sheets from Tuesday: Pink, Green, and Blue! How does electricity get from the power plant to your house? How does the electric company know the amount to bill you? If you don’t pay your bill, how does the company turn off your power?
Today’s Agenda Science Starter Tuesday’s Exit Ticket (50%) Virtual Neurons Exit Quiz
Tuesday’s Exit Ticket 1. The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its cell body is called a(n) A. Schwann cell B. Dendrite C. Axon D. Neurolemma
Tuesday’s Exit Ticket 2. Which part of the peripheral nervous system responds to stressful situations? A. autonomic nervous system B. parasympathetic nervous system C. sympathetic nervous system D. central nervous system
3. The brain of a frog is destroyed 3. The brain of a frog is destroyed. A piece of acid- soaked paper is applied to the frog's skin. Every time the piece of paper is placed on its skin, one leg moves upward. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the experiment? A. reflex actions are not automatic B. some reflex actions can be inhibited or facilitated C. all behaviors in frogs are primarily reflex responses D. this reflex action bypasses the brain
Before we begin Let’s describe the following: Motor Neuron Sensory Neuron Interneuron Excitatory Inhibitory
Virtual Neurons Explore Open Virtual Neurons Software ( Take time to explore moving the different neurons, starting and stopping the circuit, and various settings Try to make the muscle twitch with 2-3 neurons! Are some neurons excitatory vs. inhibitory? Complete parts 1 & 2 on the student sheet
Part 3 Action Potentials The number of times an action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitter is recorded on the graph The number inside the action potential meter represents the neurons’ threshold, the point at which a neuron produces an action potential. You do not have to sketch your circuit in this part
Class Discussion How does the structure of a neuron determine its function? What would be the purpose of having inhibitory neurons? How are neurons like an electrical circuit?
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