Opener 8/22 What does position mean? What is time? How would you describe something moving?
Opener 8/23 What is the point of units? What are the units for position and time? 3. Depict the following story as a graph (be sure to label graphs!): Jake woke up and walked to his friends’ house, where he stayed for several hours. Afterwards, he walked home, but he was so focused on his jams, that he walked past his house, before turning and going home where he stayed for the night.
Opener 8/24 Write a procedure so that an Alien (who has a translator) can either: Brush it’s teeth. Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. While visiting you on earth.
Opener 8/27 What are the units for: Position, time, speed? What is the difference between position and distance? Give a position vs. time graph that represents “The Tortoise and the Hare” Fairy tale.
Opener 8/28 Create a story that matches the position vs. time graph. How fast is the object moving At 40-55s? 3)How much distance did the object cover?
Opener 8/29 Lucky the dog runs at 5 m/s for 5s. He then stops to sniff a fire hydrant for 2 seconds. He then continues to sprint in the same direction at 10m/s for 5s. After he gets too far, his owner calls him and he returns at 2m/s to where he started. Make a position vs time graph to fit this story. Be as specific as possible. 2) What is the furthest Lucky got from his owner? 3) What time did lucky return to his owner?
Opener 8/30 Describe the motion of the object. Find the speed for each point Graph a Speed vs. Time graph for this object
Opener 8/31 What is the difference between speed and velocity? Why do we use velocity in physics? 2) When is the object moving the fastest? 3) Create a position vs time graph from this graph.
Opener 9/4 When is the object moving the fastest? What is it’s velocity? Create a Velocity vs. Time graph that shows this graph. What is the object doing the last 2 seconds?
Opener 9/5 1) Match the graphs below