The Buddha
Queen Maya dreams of a white Elephant: a sign of the coming Buddha.
Siddhartha Gautama is born to the king Siddhartha Gautama is born to the king. A group of astrologers predicted that the young prince would grow up to be either a great emperor, or that he would turn his back on privilege and power.
The prince grew up within the palace walls, having no contact with the outside world. He learnt the skills and engaged in the pastimes of princes. He married a beautiful princess and they had a son. They all lived happily together within the world of wealth and power.
Until one day, when Prince Siddhartha finally persuaded his father to let him go outside the palace walls to see the city. What Siddhartha did not know was that his father had ordered the city streets cleared of anyone who was old or sick. When Siddhartha set out for his tour of the city all he was saw many young and happy people.
However Siddhartha slips away and discovers that people suffer from sickness, old age, and death. This bothers him greatly and he no longer takes satisfaction in his luxurious life.
Siddhartha decides to leave his wife, child, and parents to find out how to transcend (overcome) this suffering.
Siddhartha renounces the world and joins the Semanas (a “religious” group) who are seeking the answer or enlightenment
Siddhartha searches for the secret to ending suffering Siddhartha searches for the secret to ending suffering. He tries meditation, fasting (living on one grain of rice a day), and self discipline. None of which are successful.
Under a Bodhi tree he meditated for 7 days Under a Bodhi tree he meditated for 7 days. During his Meditation he is tempted by duty, sensuality, and doubt but sees them all as manifestations of Mara, an evil goddess. He “awakes” with the knowledge, and becomes “the enlightened one” or BUDDHA
The most common view of Buddha with the Lotus flower
The Buddha turns the wheel of the Dharma and shares what he has learned. His First and Most Fundamental teaching is that of the 4 Noble Truths.
The 4 Noble Truths: Life is suffering and misery The Causes of Suffering are wants and desire (people are never satisfied) The Cessation of Suffering comes from ending desires The Path to the Cessation of Suffering is through the 8 fold path
8 Fold Path right view – know there is suffering and 4 Noble truths can end this right intention – avoid harmful thought care for others right speech avoid lying, gossip right action – do the right thing right mindfulness – control the mind and increase wisdom right meditation – become as peaceful as possible right living – make sure your job does not harm others right effort – work hard and avoid the negative
The Buddha dies and enters a state of Nirvana, liberated from the cycle of Birth and Death.
Popularity of Buddhism Appealed to masses. Poor had the hope of Nirvana not given in Hinduism Women Own language Simple: no complex ceremonies Ashoka: Mauryan leader converts after being a ruthless leader and spreads Buddhism throughout his kingdom in Asia
Ashoka erects pillars all over India with laws based on ideas of equality and fair treatment of all. Sends out missionaries to help convert people. “Buddhism arrived in Asia on a white elephant”