The point of storyboarding… "The storyboard for me is the way to visualise the entire movie in advance” "Storyboards express what I want to communicate, they show how I would imagine a scene and how it should move to the next. My storyboards are absolutely essential for my team meetings.“ The point of storyboarding… Martin Scorsese, the Oscar winning director of The Departed (2006) and Taxi Driver (1976).
Three ingredients of a storyboard 1. Framing Height (e.g., WIDE, FULL, CLOSE) 2. Camera Angle (e.g., eye-level, BIRD'S EYE VIEW, HIGH HAT, and DUTCH) 3. Movement (e.g., static, PAN, TILT, CRANE, PUSH/PULL, ZOOM)
Preliminary task Shot reverse shot 180 degree rule Match on action Eyeline match
Preliminary task 1 minute long Try to edit two match on actions: EG: Tracking shot of man playing basketball; cu of his feet as he stops; tilt upwards as he shoots; tracking shot of ball; misses and bounces to floor rolling to a stop underneath foot; shot reverse shot of two characters talking; conversation ends and basketball player shoots again etc; shot reverse shot conversation again