Presented by Nagesh Adluru KERNEL INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS BY FRANCIS BACH & MICHAEL JORDAN International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2003 Presented by Nagesh Adluru
Goal of the Paper To perform Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in a novel way which is better, robust compared to the existing techniques. 29.12.2018
Concepts Involved ICA – Independent Component Analysis Mutual Information F – Correlation RKHS – Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces CCA – Canonical Correlation Analysis KICA – Kernel ICA KGV – Kernel Generalized Variance 29.12.2018
ICA – Independent Component Analysis ICA is unsupervised learning We have estimate x given the set of observations of y (Assumption components of x are independent). So we have to estimate W such that x = Wy 29.12.2018
ICA – Independent Component Analysis ICA is semi-parametric. Because we do not know anything about the distribution of x it is non-parametric. But we do know the distribution of y and that it is a distribution of ‘linear combination’ of components of x. So the problem is semi-parametric and kernels do well in such situations. 29.12.2018
ICA – Independent Component Analysis If we knew the distribution of x then we can assume the ‘x-space’ and hence can find W using gradient or fixed-point algorithm. But not in practice!!! So how?? Since we are looking for independent components we need to maximize the independence or minimize mutual information. 29.12.2018
Mutual Information Mutual Information is an abstract term that is used to describe independence among variables. The mutual information is the least when the dependence is the least. So looks promising to be explored!!! Prior work has focused on approximations to this term because of difficulty involved with real-variables and finite samples. Kernels offer better ways. 29.12.2018
F – Correlation F – Correlation is defined as below: If x1 and x2 are independent then the value is zero but converse is important here. 29.12.2018
F – Correlation Converse: If is zero then the x1 and x2 are independent. Is that true? It is true only if F ‘space’ is very large. But it is also true if F is restricted to the reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces based on Gaussian kernels. 29.12.2018
F – Correlation Since the converse holds even for the restriction of F to RKHS, a mutual information can be defined such that if it is 0 then the two variables are independent. 29.12.2018
RKHS – Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Operations using kernels can be treated as operations in Hilbert space. The reproducing ability of the kernels of operations in Euclidean space is exploitable for computational purposes. So the correlation between fs can be interpreted as the correlation between Фs which is defined as the canonical correlation between Фs. 29.12.2018
CCA – Canonical Correlation Analysis CCA vs PCA PCA maximizes variance of projection of distribution of a single random vector. CCA maximizes correlation between projections of distributions of two or more random vectors. CIJ = cov(xI, xJ) 29.12.2018
CCA – Canonical Correlation Analysis While PCA leads to eigenvector problem CCA leads to generalized eigenvector problem. (Eigenvector problem: AV = V Generalized eigenvector problem: AV = BV) The CCA can easily be kernelized and also generalized to more than two random vectors. So the max correlation between variables can be found efficiently, which is very nice. 29.12.2018
CCA – Canonical Correlation Analysis Though this kernelization of CCA can help us, the generalization is not precise in terms mutual independence measure using F – Correlation. But that is not limitation in practice, both because of empirical results as well as because mutuality could be achieved using pair-wise dependence. 29.12.2018
Kernel ICA We saw And also that can be calculated using kernelized CCA. So we now have Kernel – ICA not in the sense that the basic ICA is kernelized but because using kernelized CCA. 29.12.2018
KICA – Kernel ICA Algorithm Input: W and Procedure: Estimate set Minimize are [N*N] Gram matrices for each component of the random vector. (Equivalent to generalized CCA, where each of the m vectors is a single element vector) 29.12.2018
KICA – Kernel ICA Computational Complexity of calculating ‘smallest’ generalized eigen value of matrices of size mN is O(N3). (Note: the eigen values are not directly related to the entries in W.) But we can reduce it because of special properties of the Gram matrix spectrum (or range of values in its space) to O(M2N), where M is a constant < N. 29.12.2018
KICA – Kernel ICA The next crucial job is to find minimum C(W) in the space and that W is called de-mixing matrix. Preferably data is whitened (PCA) and W is restricted to be ‘orthogonal’ because de-correlation implies independence. The search for W in this restricted space (called Stiefel manifold) can be done with Riemannian metric suggesting gradient type algorithms. 29.12.2018
KICA – Kernel ICA The problem of local-minima can be solved either using heuristics (instead of random) for selecting initial W. Also it has been shown empirically that a decent number of restarts would solve this problem when large number of samples are available. 29.12.2018
KGV – Kernel Generalized Variance F – Correlation is the ‘smallest’ generalized eigenvalue of KCCA. Idea with KGV is to make use of other values as well. The mutual information contrast function is defined as where 29.12.2018
Simulation Results The results on the simulation data showed that the KICA is better compared to other ICA algorithms like FastICA, Jade, Imax for larger number of ‘components’. The simulation data was mixture of variety of source distributions like subgaussian, supergaussian and nearly gaussian. The KICA is also robust for outliers. 29.12.2018
Simulation Results 29.12.2018
Conclusions This paper proposed novel kernel-based measures for independence. The approach is flexible and computationally demanding (because of additional search in finding eigenvalues). 29.12.2018
Questions!! 29.12.2018