Imperatives on Research Commercialization; Technology Transfer & Entrepreneurship Partnerships 13th October, 2016 Sami Bashir – PhD, RTTP Technology Transfer Office King Abdullah University of Science & Technology – KAUST
Discussion Points: Context of Public-Private Partnerships What are the boundaries? Partnership Models Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem Outlook
1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships Market Human Universities Government Business Discovery
1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships Scientists/Engineers/Professionals Inventors Entrepreneurs Human Technology Transfer Offices Sponsored Research Offices Legal Offices Universities Ministries Regulatory Offices Legal & Judiciary Government Industries Investors Start-ups Business
1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships KAUST Reserved Rights The relation between university and start-up is ideal representation of a public-private partnership This gives understanding at the micro-level on needs and challenges At the macro-level, what activities/models that can be adopted to face some of the challenges Finally, predict the prospect of the innovation ecosystem
2. What are the boundaries? Ideally boundaries must be clearly delineated and seamlessly operating, but life is far from being ideal…. Boundaries between legal, financial, employment, and technology The government is taking considerable initiatives to close gaps Different innovation ecosystems and different partnership models and interactions between universities and entrepreneurs.
3. Partnership Models Economic cities; e.g. King Abdullah Economic City Partnership Initiatives Industrial cities; e.g. Yanbu Industrial City Technology Research Parks; e.g. Makkah Techno-valley Incubators; e.g. Badir Program at KACST Talents Training & Support; e.g. Mawhiba Industries; e.g. Waed
4. Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem
4. Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem In addition; Mentorship Training Connections and networking PROOF-OF-CONCEPT NEW COMPANIES FIELD STATION
5. Outlook Skilled human capital and manpower are progressively growing Positive steps in narrowing technology development/product gaps Engagement with policy and decision makers still needed in areas such as: 1- IP Framework and enforcement 2- Financial and company regulatory framework 3- Labor and employment laws Encouraging signs on industry investment on start-ups Likely model to have government/industry co-investing to push Innovation and new technologies
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