M&M Activity Tell us: RED: something about something that scares you Directions: You will be given M&M’s. Please do not eat them (YET). Based on the colors that you have you have to tell you table partners things about yourself. Tell us: RED: something about something that scares you ORANGE: something you do well YELLOW: something about your childhood BLUE: something about the qualities you look for in a friend BROWN: something you can’t live without GREEN: something you watch/listen to
Gallery Walk Activity Directions: Please read the following questions and think about your answers to them. The questions have been posted throughout the room. Each row will mark the posters with their best answer. Wait until it is your tables turn to take the walk. What is your favorite sport? How do you feel about 6th/7th grade? What is your favorite subject? What is your favorite food? How do you do your best work? What is your goal this year?
September 10 6TH GRADE ELA Syllabus Quiz READING LOG- INDIVIDUAL READING – Library SET UP BINDER I’m a Star – Activity Text Features Video +Notes Text Features Activity packet Read aloud – “Hello Universe” – Journal response 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 1- A geographer’s World Syllabus Quiz SET UP BINDER Get to know you – activities WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY W.S. – IN GROUPS WHAT IS GEOPRAPHY VIDEO
Binder Tab Labels – Social Studies Warm-ups Vocab Notes Practice work Assessments
Binder Tab Labels – 6th Grade ELA READING LOGS Vocab Notes Practice work Assessments
September 11 6TH GRADE ELA READING LOG I am a Star – Activity – Due today Text Features Notes + video Non-Fiction Text Features Practice W.S.- Due Today Read aloud – “Hello Universe” Journal response – Set up notebook - CNN 10 Current Event 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES - Chapter 1- A geographer’s World CNN 10 – Current event Warm –up Textbook Scavenger hunt What is Geography W.S. + Video
September 12 Textbook Scavenger hunt Student jobs 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES – Chapter 1- A geographer’s World Textbook Scavenger hunt Student jobs 6TH GRADE ELA- FIRST 30 DAYS READING LOG- INDIVIDUAL READING Non-Fiction Text Features About Me Activity packet Read aloud – “Hello Universe” – Journal response
September 13 What is Geography W.S. + Video 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES - Chapter 1- A geographer’s World What is Geography W.S. + Video Five Themes of Geography video + W.S. 6TH GRADE ELA READING LOG Non-Fiction Text Features About Me Activity packet Due Practice W.S. Due Fiction and Non-Fiction Lesson READ ALOUD- Memoir + Response in Writers Notebook
September 14 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES 6TH GRADE ELA CNN10 – Current Events warm-up Five themes W.S. due WORLD PHYSICAL MAP W.S. – INDIVIDUAL Maps vs. Globes video + notes Notes on Scale +Compass Rose 6TH GRADE ELA READING LOG- INDIVIDUAL READING DUE Non- Fiction Packet due + Quiz on Non- Fiction Text Features on Monday District Writing Assessment READ ALOUD- Journal Response in Writers Notebook
Reading: Informational Text 6.5 I can analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas. Reading: Informational Text 6.5 Craft and Structure CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.5
Text Types and Purposes I can write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events. I can use effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. Writing 6.3 (A-E) Text Types and Purposes CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 1st Hour - Student Helper for September Paper Passer – pass out papers- Darren Materials Passer- pass out and collect the boxes of material- Makram Supply Monitor – – give students pens/pencils if they need to borrow them- take their ID- Lindon Agenda Writer – Prangon Direction Expert- William Librarian – Coen Date Changer – Jessica
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 2-3rd Hour - Student Helper for September Paper Passer – pass out papers- Natali Maintenance- wipe down desk/ floor- Fadi Materials Passer –pass out and collect boxes of materials- Sheren Supply Monitor –– give students pens/pencils if they need to borrow them- take their ID- Zuher Direction Expert- listen so students can ask you questions - Shy’la Librarian- fix the bookshelf- Isabella Agenda- Write the agenda everyday – Hans
Student Jobs – You will be asked to perform the students jobs assigned to you for one month – Please write down your job 4-5th Hour - Student Helper for September Paper Passer – pass out papers- Andi Maintenance – wipe desks, wipe counters, sweep floor if necessary - Yara Materials Passer – boxes of materials – Shireen Supply Monitor – give students pens/pencils if they need to borrow them- take their ID- Fadi Direction Expert- listen so students can ask you questions – Rayana Librarian – fix the bookshelf – Sameer Desk Checker- check if there is anything in the desk – Krisztof Plant Waterer – water the plants – Jizelle