Fox Covert Primary School Curriculum Evening Monday 23rd April 2018 Assessment
Key Principles Assessment is continuous Wide range of methods are used to assess children Sharing information with parents
What does assessment look like in Fox Covert? Developing assessment capable learners Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Moderation Monitoring & Tracking progress Foxy Progress Files Reporting to parents
Planning learning
Formative Assessment -Learning to Learn Tools Thumb Tool Fist to Five Elbow Partner No Hands Up Thinking Time Magpie Minute Demonstrate how you would use the tools at the start of each lesson Selecting a few tools as you are sharing what is going to be learned, how it is going to be learned and how it is going to be reviewed
Formative Assessment - Learning to Learn Tools Show you Know 1,2,3 Review Test the Teacher Peer Assessment Next Steps Stand Up Teach Teddy Give them a few minutes to look at the tools Are there any tools you use in your own classroom that you might want to add? Provide glossary – draw attention to this One minute summary Link Lizard
Learning intentions and Success Criteria We are learning to extract information from text Success Criteria I can locate evidence accurately and justify my answers
Learning intentions and Success Criteria We are learning to demonstrate our knowledge of fractions Success Criteria I can record a variety of fractions and annotate examples provided
Summative Assessment Single Word spelling test P1 Baseline Assessments Identified pieces of writing Class Talks End of unit Maths test Presentations Weekly spelling tests Scottish National Standardised Assessments Writing from reading tasks – Guided Reading Reading Assessments Maths topic tests – pre and post
Scottish National Standardised Assessments Undertaken in P1, P4 and P7 annually P1 – Literacy & Numeracy P4 & P7 – Reading, Writing and Maths No revision or preparation required Used as part of routine learning and teaching Will be carried out in May Overseen by school staff Completed online Adaptive system Marked automatically No time limit set – should last no longer than 45 minutes per test Teachers use information gained to plan next steps in learning alongside other evidence
How do we share information with parents? School Website Foxy Progress File Meet the Teacher Weekly bulletin Class Assemblies School shows Parent Consultations Class newsletters Pupil reports Information Evenings Twitter Drop in sessions Class showcase events Open Days
“One good conversation can shift the direction of change Foxy Progress Files Learner – teacher conversations Learner – parent conversations Parent – teacher conversations “One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever.” Linda Lambert
Assessment Capable Learners
“When students self-assess regularly, track and share their progress, Their confidence as learners grows. Their motivation to do well Increases as does their achievement.” Stiggins & Chappuis 2010
How can you support your child at home? Where am I now? What have you been learning this week? What did you enjoy this week? What did you find tricky this week? What do you need help with? What are you proud of this week? What would you like to learn next? Who can help you with your learning? What did you get better at this week? Where am I going? How will I get there?