If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. Upcoming, Important Dates: 03/22/2018 Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Thur. (03/22) – Celebration of Nations 5:00-7:00 Fri. (03/23) – 6th Grade Field Trip to Tennessee - Language Arts assessment NEXT WEEK: Tues. (03/27) – Orchestra @ Campbell Middle 7 p.m. Wed. (03/28) – P.B.I.S. School Store opens Thur. (03/29) – Last Day to Pay for Six Flags Trip Fri. (03/30) – 3rd Quarter Honor Roll If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Warm Up 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” Open your agenda to today’s date and take notes. Browsers – only get you on the internet Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Search Engines – guide you to the information Google Bing List of Resources – guide you to a list of websites Sources – an actual website; where you get your actual information
Language Arts – Warm Up 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” Open your agenda to today’s date and take notes. Microsoft 365 Keep your citations here! Create a document in 365 for your citations. You will print and/or share them later.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Essential Questions: Why are research and citations important? What is plagiarism? How can I determine a source’s credibility? Standards: ELASE6W7 – Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate. ELASE6W8 – Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources. ELASE6W9 – Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Learning Targets: Identify credible sources. Distinguish between citations and plagiarism.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source! An example of why Wikipedia is not credible: http://listen.hatnote.com/ White bubbles = a human is editing Green bubbles = a human who is hiding their identity is editing Purple bubbles = bots who are editing High-pitched sounds/bells = additions Low-pitched sounds/strings = deletions
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” How to choose a website for research: URL = a web address Look for a website that ends in (or has) the following item(s) in its URL: = .org = .gov = .edu = .com = .net (NEVER use these. You’re liable to catch a virus.)
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” CIA Factbook You must use this website for this research project. CIAfactbook.gov On the right-hand side, type your country into the search bar. Then, scroll down and look for “economy”. When you click on it, it will expand. Save your time and search using these tips: CTRL + F = find A popup box will appear in the upper, right-hand corner. Type in “unemployment”.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” CIA Factbook – Unemployment Rate Example: Ireland’s unemployment rate is 6.4%. This means that for every 100 people in Ireland, approximately 6 people are unemployed. Next, search “GDP per capita”. GDP = Gross Domestic Product Per capita = per person Use this to find out the AVERAGE of how much money each person has. Example: Ireland’s GDP is $71,600. That means the average a person makes in Ireland is that much. Ireland’s rank is 61. This means that there are 60 countries that are richer than Ireland.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” CDL = Cobb Digital Library Go to databases. Next, search for Culture Grams. Select the green box entitled “Open Now”. You may use the World Edition or the Kids Edition.
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” Culture Grams When you find the information you want, you can easily acquire the citation by: Scrolling to the very bottom of the page, Select “MLA 8”, And paste your citation into your ONE Microsoft 365 document that includes your other citations. Be sure to label each citation so that you know which information is from which resource!
Language Arts – Work Session 03/22/18 Research Project “Destination: 2024” Time to make your first citation! Use the notes you took in class today to acquire Scrolling to the very bottom of the page, Select “MLA 8”, And paste your citation into your ONE Microsoft 365 document that includes your other citations. Be sure to label each citation so that you know which information is from which resource!
Language Arts – Closing Session 03/22/18 Homework/Upcoming Deadlines: Next double-entry journal check – Friday (03/23) End of Novel Test – 03/29 (Thursday) Language Arts Assessment – Next Week Next Biblionasium – 03/29 End-of-Novel Final Projects – due 03/30