Composing Acknowledgements Unit 14 Composing Acknowledgements 2018/12/29
Pre-Class Reading 14.1 Acknowledgement in a thesis 14.2 Targets of acknowledgement 14.3 Ways of acknowledgment 14.4 Typical expressions used in thesis acknowledgement 14.5 Chinese students’ common problems in writing acknowledgements 2018/12/29
14.1 Acknowledgements in a thesis The part of acknowledgments is where the researcher conveys his or her gratitude to those who have helped him or her in one way or another during thesis writing. 2018/12/29
14.2 Targets of acknowledgement The thesis acknowledgement is a concise expression of thanks, which only covers those who have been actually in some way involved in the writing process of this particular thesis . (supervisor/ teachers /librarians /fellow students/ friends/ family members) 2018/12/29
14.3 Ways of acknowledgment 1) Keep your language formal and appropriate. The acknowledgement might be the most personal part of a thesis, but you should keep the level of language used in this part consistent with the rest of the thesis. 2) Do not miss anybody who deserves your acknowledgement, especially those who have provided academic help. Forgetting somebody is a big mistake if the person has indeed been a source of suggestions or advice. 2018/12/29
8) Use “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” as the heading. 3) Do not thank any “irrelevant” person. Some people might have helped you in one way or an other in one’s life, but you do not necessarily thank them in the acknowledgments. 4) Use full names with appropriate titles when referring to those in the acknowledgment, and do not misspell anyone’s name. 5) Be sincere in the process of writing. Do not just read others’ acknowledgements and follow suit. 6) Be concise. 7) Claim exclusive responsibility for any error or defect in your thesis. 8) Use “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” as the heading. 2018/12/29
14.4 Typical expressions used in thesis acknowledgement It is a pleasure to thank those who have made this thesis possible… It gives me great pleasure in acknowledging the support and help of Professor… It is with immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of … I cannot find words to express my gratitude to… I am indebted to my many colleagues who have supported me… This thesis would have remained a dream had it not been for… 2018/12/29
14.5 Chinese students’ common problems in writing Acknowledgements Copying others’ acknowledgements. Thanking the examiners. Showing thanks to irrelevant people. Using too colloquial expressions. Using “Acknowledgement” rather than “Acknowledgments”. 2018/12/29
Check your Understanding State whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE. In Acknowledgments, the author of the thesis conveys his or her thanks to those who have provided supervision, advice, suggestions, or any other support for the thesis writing. The part of Acknowledgments is written on a separate page and placed at the end of the thesis, usually following References or Works Cited. 2018/12/29
3. Generally speaking, the people who should be thanked in the Acknowledgements of a thesis include the supervisor, teachers, librarians, fellow students, colleagues, friends and family members 4. Since the Acknowledgements part is highly personal, the language used in this part can be informal and colloquial. 5. Student researchers should thank their parents first in Acknowledgments. 2018/12/29
In-Class Activities 1. Read the following Acknowledgements and answer the questions that follow. Pp. 265-267 1) Who are thanked in the above Acknowledgements? 2) For what reasons are those people thanked? 2018/12/29
2. The following Acknowledgements part is collected from a PhD dissertation by a native speaker of English. Pp. 267-268 1) What expressions does the author use to convey his thanks in the acknowledgements? 2) Are there any introductory and concluding remarks in the thesis acknowledgements? 2018/12/29
3. Read the following Acknowledgements part written by a Chinese student. P. 269 1) Do you think this Acknowledgements part includes all of the people who deserve thanks include in? 2) What do you think of its wording? 2018/12/29
4. The following Acknowledgements part comes from a Chinese student’s doctoral dissertation. Pp. 269-271 1) What linguistic expressions are used for expressing gratitude? 2) Do you think the last paragraph is necessary? 2018/12/29
5. Read the following acknowledgement carefully. Pp. 272-273 1) What problems can you find in this Acknowledgements part? 2) What suggestions would you suggest for its improvement? 2018/12/29
Assignments P. 275 No. 2 P. 276 No. 3 2018/12/29
Project Work Randomly collect 4 linguistic theses written for Doctor’s Degree by students from a top university in China and 4 linguistic theses written for the same degree by students from a top university in the U. S. Compare how the authors write their acknowledgements to see if the Chinese students do the same as those American students in terms of the kind of people they thank and in what order these people are thanked. 2018/12/29