Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz The SEETAL One-Stop-Shop Service and the updating of information services for leather, textile and clothing companies Dr. Rainer Gebhardt Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz
All information you find under http://www.seetal.eu http://textil.stfi.de/seetalpub/
Available public information of the SEETAL website • project info • description • partner • events • database • environment • documents • OSS information about SEETAL main aim of the SEETAL project overview of the SEETAL partner
Overview SEETAL partner events
Overview SEETAL events database
SEETAL company database different search strategies in 6 languages environment 770 companies
SEETAL environmental information
SEETAL environmental dictionary
SEETAL for environmental EU laws
SEETAL environmental information
Environmental labels
Environmental database (public area) - BREF
Environmental database (public area) - REACH
SEETAL public document search
What is the SEETAL One Stop Shop (OSS)? SEETAL One Stop Shop (OSS) - Objectives 1/3 What is the SEETAL One Stop Shop (OSS)? an online information service an interactive platform a simple consultancy service to cooperate, communicate and disseminate information related to acquis relevant subjects of the textile, clothing and leather industries
SEETAL One Stop Shop (OSS) - Objectives 2/3 Who will benefit from the One Stop Shop (OSS)? the project associations their member companies further interested parties of the textile, clothing and leather industries
SEETAL One Stop Shop (OSS) - Objectives 3/3 How is the main principle of the OSS? assists the partner organisations with a corresponding consultancy service for collective problems project partners receive regularly inquiries and problems from national member companies companies find an answer/solution themselves or in cooperation with the national associations
One Stop Shop (OSS) OSS workflow 1. problem / question 2. search in the CP 2. create a new inquiry 3. Search types: knowledgebased document search full text search search for ready answers/solutions trace the status 4. answer by expert 5. solution 6.
National Participant One Stop Shop (OSS) - Participation use the national OSS registration use search tools create new inquiries get feedback/answer/solution
Address of the SEETAL OSS One Stop Shop (OSS) - Participation Address of the SEETAL OSS • http://www.seetal.eu OSS • Direct link http://textil.stfi.de/poss • http://www.seetal.eu partner
One Stop Shop (OSS) - Participation
One Stop Shop (OSS) - Participation
One Stop Shop (OSS) – registration and login Registration procedure consists of: the registration data entry the recertification via registered e-mail address by the user (national participant) the setting free by the national administrator
One Stop Shop (OSS) – login or registration
One Stop Shop (OSS) – login and registration prenume numele de familie email companie telefon fax nume utilizator ( cel puţin 7 caractere) parola ( cel puţin 7 caractere) parola
One Stop Shop (OSS) – National Participant
One Stop Shop (OSS)
One Stop Shop (OSS)
One Stop Shop (OSS) New inquiry!
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