NIP structure and further inventory and assessment activities Dr. Roland Weber POPs Environmental Consulting, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany 1 1
Guidance for developing national implementation plans for the Stockholm Convention The main guidance for NIP update is “Guidance for developing national implementation plans for the Stockholm Convention ” The guidance has been updated for the new listed POPs from 2015. The guidance need further updated for the new listed POPs 2017. Contains a suggested structure of chapters for the NIP. Countries can decide if using the suggested structure. My recommendation would be to use the structure and to evaluate if it might be useful to modify the structure at some points for the country. Assessment where only chapters of the first NIP would be updated. UNEP/POPS/COP.1/INF/13: “Interim guidance for developing national implementation plans for the Stockholm Convention”
Integrated Approach for POPs Management: Linking NIP activities and national priority activities on chemicals and waste management NIP Update Guidance: “The development, review, and updating of a NIP should build on existing work and assessments….”. Therefore: POPs should not be addressed on their own but should be integrated within general chemicals and waste management. This may include, National chemical and waste management plans, National Profiles, national GHS implementation plans/strategies,.” Synergies between Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention. Synergies to Minamata Convention and activities on heavy metals. Linking to the broader issues of SAICM (PFAS; CIP; HCinElectronics). There are also strong links to climate change mitigation. Linking to Sustainable Production & Consumption and to SDGs. Contaminated site management In many cases, national inter-ministerial or multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms for chemicals management may already exist and therefore NIP development, review, and updating (and implementation) activities could be included in the mandates of these existing mechanisms. Countries without a national coordination mechanism for chemicals management, however, may wish to consider establishing one as part of their NIP development activities and ensuring that it continues to function beyond the NIP project. Such a mechanism could address, for example, future NIP review and updating, as well as other new or on-going processes for chemicals management, such as national-level implementation of other chemicals-related MEAs, GHS, and SAICM, and linking these, where applicable, to broader frameworks such as national processes working on broader environment and health issues. 3 3
Content of the NIP Executive Summary 1. Introduction, 2. Country baseline, Inventories, legal and institutional context, technical inventories (individual POP; monitoring data; etc), 3. Implementation strategy, Action plans, Action plans, Work-plan, Budget considerations. UNEP/POPS/COP.1/INF/13: “Interim guidance for developing national implementation plans for the Stockholm Convention”
Structure and content of the NIP Executive summary 1. Introduction 2. Country baseline 2.1 Country profile 2.1.1 Geography and population 2.1.2 Political and economic profile 2.1.3 Profiles of economic sectors 2.1.4 Environmental overview
Structure and content of the NIP 2.2 Institutional policy and regulatory framework 2.2.1 Environmental policy, sustainable development policy and general legislative framework 2.2.2 Roles and responsibilities of ministries, agencies and other governmental institutions involved in POPs life cycles (from source to disposal, environmental fate and health monitoring) 2.2.3 Relevant international commitments and obligations 2.2.4 Description of existing legislation and regulations addressing POPs (manufactured chemicals and unintentionally produced POPs) 2.2.5 Key approaches and procedures for POPs chemical and pesticide management including enforcement and monitoring requirements
Structure and content of the NIP 2.3 Assessment of the POPs issue in the country 2.3.1 Assessment with respect to Annex A, part I chemicals (POPs pesticides): historical, current and projected future production, use, import and export; existing policy and regulatory framework; summary of available monitoring data (environment, food, humans) and health impacts. 2.3.2 Assessment of PCBs (Annex A, Part II chemicals) 2.3.3 Assessment of POP-PBDEs (Annex A, Part IV and Part V) and HBB (Annex A, Part I) and HBCD (Annex A, Part I and Part VII) 2.3.4 Assessment of HCBD (Annex A, Part I) 2.3.5 Assessment of PCNs (Annex A, part I) 2.3.6 Assessment with respect to Annex B chemicals (DDT) 2.3.7 Assessment of PFOS, its salts and PFOSF (Annex B, Part III chemicals) 2.3.8 Assessment of releases of unintentional produced chemicals (Annex C chemicals) 2.3.9 Information on the state of knowledge on stockpiles, contaminated sites and wastes, identification, likely numbers, relevant regulations, guidance, remediation measures and data on releases from sites
Structure and content of the NIP 2.3 Assessment of the POPs issue in the country 2.3.10 Summary of future production, use and releases of POPs – requirements for exemptions 2.3.11 Existing programmes for monitoring releases and environmental and human health impacts, including findings 2.3.12 Current level of information, awareness and education among target groups; existing systems to communicate such information to the various groups; mechanism for information exchange with other Parties to the Convention 2.3.13 Mechanism to report under Article 15 on measures taken to implement the provisions of the Convention and for information exchange with other Parties to the Convention 2.3.14 Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders (including industry, civil society, research community)
Structure and content of the NIP 2.3 Assessment of the POPs issue in the country 2.3.15 Overview of technical infrastructure for POPs assessment, measurement, analysis, alternatives and prevention measures, research and development – linkage to international programmes and projects. 2.3.16 Overview of technical infrastructure for POPs management and destruction. 2.3.15 Identification of impacted populations or environments, estimated scale and magnitude of threats to public health and environmental quality and social implications for workers and local communities 2.3.16 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals 2.3.17 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and regulation of chemicals already in the market 2.4 NIP implementation status
Structure and content of the NIP 3. Strategy and action plan elements of the national implementation plan 3.1 Policy statement 3.2 Implementation strategy 3.3 Activities, strategies and action plans 3.4 Priority areas and capacity building 3.5 Time frame implementation 3.6 Resource requirements and financing
Thank you for your attention ! Questions? More Information Basel Convention: Rotterdam Convention: Stockholm Convention: Montreal Protocol/Vienna Convention: SAICM: POPs phase out & alternatives OECD: Science:; NGO:;;; Better-world-links: That was only a brief
Approach to be taken for developing the NIP Assessment of the suggested NIP structure by the NIP development guidance and assess if country specific modification might be needed. Assess the NIPs of other countries with similar situation. Assess other country reports for county background information. Information from inventories compiled with key information for the individual chapters. Action plan development considering the key findings and gaps. Linking to general chemical management (including SAICM synergies) and waste management (Basel Synergy). Linking to sustainable development and SDGs (12 SCP; 3 Health; 2 Food; 6 Clean Water; 8 Decent work; 9 Industry & innovation). Include NGOs and the civil society in NIP development and implementation,
Contribute to move to more Circular Economy When moving to a (more) Circular Economy, POPs and other hazardous chemicals challenge recycling and need to be controlled & phased out. Fate of hazardous chemicals & materials? Substitution ! Anyway it is clear that we have to move to a circular economy or at least more circular economy. The solution for manufactured goods is to move from a linear economy to a chain economy to finally a resource efficient circular economy Also in EU the aim of a circular economy is emphasized. But while the former EU administration wanted to To move to a circular economy is Bonnet (ARC+) Circular Economy, saving resources, creating jobs, Green Week Brussels June 2014 EU Circular Economy Strategy (Roadmap 04/2015) EU Non-toxic Enviro Strategy 13
Approach to be taken for updating the NIP In addition to moving to a circular economy, appropriate consumption need to be one priority to promote within SDG 12. Reduction of waste & unnecessary consumption results in reduction of chemical exposure. Myanmar has not reached the unsustainable consumption pattern of industrial societies. Chance to leapfrog towards a sustainable society (e.g. “Sufficiency society” Thailand). Continuing with current consumption patterns in Europe is not an option. As both population and purchasing power swell worldwide, resources will be ever more overused and constrained. Europe must take the lead in exploring a new model of consumption which does not compromise the needs of others or of future generations, nor damage the environment. EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade
Planning of the Inventory/NIP update - Inventory Workplan Appropriate time for the data collection. Detailed task assigments. 15
Structure and content of the NIP 3. Strategy and action plan elements of the national implementation plan 3.1 Policy statement This subchapter would outline the Government’s commitment to addressing the POPs issue, including the formal adoption or endorsement of the NIP. It would also, if appropriate, define how the NIP would be integrated within the country’s overall environmental policies and sustainable development strategy. 3.2 Implementation strategy 3.3 Activities, strategies and action plans Subchapter 3.3 would list country-specific activities, action plans, and strategies, including those required by the Convention, designed to meet Convention obligations. Each would identify aims, actions, and needs (updated as appropriate). A logical framework matrix could be used to indicate steps in each area and clearly identify where work is needed. Synergies to other Conventions and national plans/priorities Basel and Rotterdam Convention Strategic Approach on International chemical management SDGs and Sustainable consumption and production Climate change Waste management
Approach taken for updating the NIP Develop/Updating of the NIP Update chapter 1 (can already been updated). Update chapter 2 – POPs inventory results Update chapter 2 – other paragraphs (monitoring data, analytical capacity, impacted population, system to assess POPs etc.) Update chapter 2 – NIP implementation status Update chapter 3 – Policy statement, Update chapter 3 – Action plan update for old POPs Update chapter 3 – Action plan new listed POP Send the updated and cleaned NIP draft to stakeholders Getting comments on the NIP draft. Final workshop for action plan & NIP commenting and improvement Clean NIP further Include NGOs and the civil society in NIP development and implementation,
Structure and content of the NIP 3.3 Activities, strategies and action plans 3.3.1 Activity: institutional and regulatory strengthening measures 3.3.2 Activity: measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use 3.3.3 Activity: production, import and export, use, stockpiles and wastes of Annex A POPs pesticides (Annex A, part 1 chemicals) PCP ? 3.3.4 Activity: production, import and export, use, identification, labelling, removal, storage and disposal of PCBs and equipment containing PCBs (Annex A, part II chemicals) 3.3.5 Activity: Production, import and export, use, stockpiles, and wastes of hexaBDE and heptaBDE (Annex A, Part IV chemicals) and tetraBDE and pentaBDE (Annex A, Part V chemicals) HBB (Annex A, Part I); HBCD (Annex A, Part I and Part VII) (3.3.X Activity PCNs (integration PCB?) and HCBD (Annex A? Annex C!)) 3.3.6 Activity: production, import and export, use, stockpiles and wastes of DDT (Annex B chemicals) if used in the country
Structure and content of the NIP 3.3 Activities, strategies and action plans 3.3.7 Activity: Production, import and export, use, stockpiles, and wastes of PFOS, its salts and PFOSF (Annex B, Part III chemicals) PFOA 3.3.8 Activity: register for specific exemptions and the continuing need for exemptions (Article 4) 3.3.9 Action plan: measures to reduce releases from unintentional production (Article 5) 3.3.10 Activity: Identification and management of stockpiles, waste and articles in use, including release reduction and appropriate measures for handling and disposal (Article 6) 3.3.11 Strategy: Identification of contaminated sites (Annex A, B and C Chemicals), securing and remediation in an environmentally sound manner (Article 6) Früher 3.3.10 Activity: measures to reduce releases from stockpiles and wastes (article 6) 3.3.11 Strategy: identification of stockpiles, articles in use and wastes 3.3.12 Activity: manage stockpiles and appropriate measures for handling and disposal of articles in use.
Structure and content of the NIP 3.3 Activities, strategies and action plans 3.3.12 Activity: facilitating or undertaking information exchange and stakeholder involvement 3.3.13 Activity: public awareness, information and education (article 10) 3.3.14 Activity: effectiveness evaluation (article 16) 3.3.15 Activity: reporting 3.3.16 Activity: research, development and monitoring (article 11) 3.3.17 Activity: Technical and financial assistance (articles 12 and 13)
Structure and content of the NIP 3.4 Development and capacity-building proposals and priorities 3.5 Timetable for plan implementation and measures of success 3.6 Resource requirements Annexes (NIP Endorsement letters, stakeholders, authors, supporting information, etc.)