Anne Teller Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 Towards an integrated monitoring framework Anne Teller Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission
EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 Shared EU and CBD targets will be pursued through mix of sub-national, national and EU-level action; EC will develop with MS a common implementation framework (CIF) involving key actors, sectors and institutions; EC will develop with MS and EEA an integrated framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting on progress in implementing the strategy; National, EU and global monitoring, reporting and review obligations improved and streamlined (e.g. WFD, MSFD, HD & BD); EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline & SEBI will be key components (+ GMES, LUCAS, EFDAC, etc.).
AHTEG & International Expert Workshop The need for technical expertise in all areas covered by the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, led to the proposal, endorsed by the SBSSTA Bureau, of organizing an International Expert Workshop in support of the AHTEG. AHTEG funded by EU (c. 30 participants) Expert workshop funded by UK, Norway, Switz., Canada and EEA (c. 70 participants), organised by UNEP-WCMC Supported by Review of National Indicators, Monitoring and Reporting for Global Biodiversity Targets (DEFRA) & other Relevant reports (SEBI, GEOBON, etc.) Monday Tuesday Weds Thurs Friday A Workshop 3
Indicator framework (cont.) The operational indicators can be organised under 12 headline indicator topics (and sub-topics) for communication purposes. Each headline indicator has at least one, but in most cases several operational indicators associated with it. Headline indicators map on to one or more Aichi targets. Headline indicators Aichi targets Trends in extent, condition and vulnerability of ecosystems 5,12 Trends in abundance, distribution and extinction risk of species 12 Trends in genetic diversity of species 13 Trends in pressures from unsustainable agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture 4, 5, 6, 7 Trends in pressures from habitat conversion, pollution, invasive species, climate change, overexploitation 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 Trends in distribution, condition and sustainability of ecosystem services for equitable human well-being 14,15 Trends in awareness, attitudes and public engagement 1
Indicator framework (cont.) Headline indicators Aichi targets Trends in integration of biodiversity, ecosystem services and benefits sharing into planning, policy formulation and implementation and incentives 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18 Trends in access and equity of benefit sharing of genetic resources 16 Trends in accessibility
Strengthening links between national regional and global reporting The 5th National Report to the CBD should make a significant step towards indicator-based reporting. Parties should be encouraged to contribute to, update, verify and maintain relevant national data in regional and global data sets as a contribution to optimize and coordinate the production of indicators for monitoring and reporting at various scales.
Governance Chart (Simplified) Nature Conservation T2 Restoration/ GI T3 Agriculture and Forestry T4 Fisheries T5 IAS T6 Global Strategic co-ordination group for implementation (ex-CGBN) Chair: Commission NATURE DIRECTORS Chair: Pres; Co-chair: Commission Habitats Ctee Ornis Ctee Natura 2000 Management WG Natura 2000 seminars N2K Marine Exp.Grp ENEA for the Cohesion Policy – WG on Biodiversity and Cohesion Policy (ENV A3/REGIO, 2x/yr – COM, MS, Stkdrs) Adaptation steering group (CLIMA; 3x/yr – COM, MS, Stkdrs) EIA/SEA Expert Grp (A3) (ENV, MS) Advisory group on Agriculture and Environment (AGRI.K3) Expert group on Agriculture and Environment (ENV.B1) Standing Forest Committee Natura 2000 & agriculture WG Natura 2000 & forests WG MSFD Coord. Group MSFD WG on Good Env Status N2K Marine Exp.Grp* IAS WGs WPIEI Biodiversity Trade & Environment Ctee (DG TRADE) Integrated framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting
Agriculture and Forestry Governance Chart (Simplified Version) T1 Nature Conservation T2 Restoration/ GI T3 Agriculture and Forestry T4 Fisheries T5 IAS T6 Global Nature Reporting EG Group Biodiversity Go4 WISE/Water Air Stake holder WG CC Adaptation IAS WG Marine DIKE WG EMODNET (MARE) Evaluation Network on RD (AGRI) Forest Info WG No net loss WG? WPIEI (Council) Trade & Environment Ctee (TRADE) DEVCO Resource Efficiency Impl. Follow-up Resource mob. BEST (ABS) Restoration WG? Ecosystem mapping assesst Steering Group new Technical Expert Group on reporting and indicators supported by BISE Integrated framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting
WORK AHEAD - Monitoring AHTEG and Internal expert workshop on indicators for Strtaegic Plan – June 2011 Indicator framework to monitor implementation of Strategic Plan Workshop on ecosystem assessment – 22 September 2011 MS needs, EU support, process (governance, work plan) SEBI Coordination Team - 17-18 October 2011 Post-2010 SEBI mandate, governance, draft indicator framework discussed EIONET Workshop - 24-25 October 2011 Draft indicator framework discussed with national experts from EEA countries CGBN 15 November 2011 – 29 March 2011 CIF - Integrated framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting on implementation Biodiversity Go4 (DG ENV, EEA, JRC, ESTAT, RTD) - end 2011 Ecosystem assessment (governance, work plan), indicator framework, BISE Nature Reporting WG 24 November 2011 – 22 March 2012 – 22 November 2012 Monitoring Target 1(and conservation status of target 3) Forest Information WG December 2011 Monitoing Target 3 (and forest elements of other targets?) Biodiversity Interservice Group 16 January 2012 Discussion CIF and Integrated monitoring framework CGBN 29 March 2012 NDM 21-23 May 2012 Endorsement of new governance arrangements 9
Thanks for your attention IFMAR (Integrated Framework for Monitoring, Assessment & Reporting) PRIME (Process for Reporting on Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation) FRAME (Framework for Reporting, Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation) SEFIR (Streamlined European Framework for Indicator-based Reporting) FRIME (Framework for Reporting on Implementation / Indicators, Monitoring & Evaluation) CRUMPE (Coordinated Reporting & Understanding Monitoring Process for Evaluation) CRIME, etc. Bise
Target 2 – Action 5 « MS, with the assistance of the EC, will map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory by 2014, assess the economic value of such services, and promote the integration of these values into accounting & reporting systems at EU and national level by 2020 » (EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020); « URGES EC and MS to determine the modalities for and scope of this task building upon the work carried out by the MS (Action 5) » (draft Council conclusions December 2011).
Workshop on Ecosystem Assessment Four main work streams: Biophysical baseline mapping and assessment of the state of major ecosystems by 2014; Biophysical baseline mapping and assessment of defined ecosystem services by 2014; Alignment of ecosystem service assessments with scenarios of future changes by 2020; Valuation of ecosystem services for baseline and contrasting scenarios and integration into environmental and economic accounting by 2020. Discussion on MS needs, EU support, process, governance
Ecosystem assessment matrix (EEA) EEA and ETCs (& EDCs), ENV, MS JRCRTDEEAMS …
Initial Recommendations Common framework & guidelines Clear rationale needed for Action 5; Conceptual framework building on core policy questions; EU assessment work validated by MS case studies; Common metrics & small set of indicators for all to use; Community of practice Capacity-building workshop(s); Make methods available for use across MS (platform/BISE); Governance Steering Committee; Working group with experts from EU institutions, MS, research networks, stakeholders; Clear work plan; Scientific credibility Engagement of scientific community and peer-review.