Fashion industry Advertisement Techniques Yurie English A2S1 Block C 09/05/2011
Research Question: To what extent do the firms operating in the fashion industry optimize the use of language and advertisement techniques in their advertisements to effectively communicate the ideal beauty and body image of females, in order to influence its audience?
Lesson Objectives: 1.The students will be able to gain a deep understanding of how advertising techniques, especially imagery and the use of language are effectively combined in order to influence the female viewers. 2.The students will gain awareness and be able to evaluate of some of the ethical issues that arise when certain stereotypes on womens body image are communicated via advertisements created by the fashion industry.
What do we expect from beautiful women? Our daily lives overflow with advertisements How do we define beauty today? What is our criteria?
No more of that Barbie doll physique? Fig.1. Photograph of a Barbie doll from Fig.2. Photograph of Vlada Roslyakova & Anja Rubik backstage at Diorfrom SkinnyGossip
Fig.3. Photograph of Anja Rubik in GAP 1969 Born to FitJean ad from ThreeBondStreet
Gaps Born to Fit Jeans Use of imperative Slogan: Zip it Omission Star power: Anja Rubik Simple sentence Word play Use of color Fig.4. of Anja Rubik in GAP 1969 Born to FitJean ad from ThreeBondStreet
Fig.5. Calvin Klein Envy Line Photo Shoot from Celebrific
Slogan: Envy Star power : Zoe Saldana from the movie Avatar Omission Glittering generalities Appeal to sexuality Use of color : black and white Calvin Kleins Envy line Fig.6. Calvin Klein Envy Line Photo Shoot from Celebrific
Fig.7. Spring ad Campaigns, Hermes. from Fig.8. Photograph of "Life as a Tale" Cinderella ad. from The Terrier and Lobster
Hermes Life as a Tale campaign Slogan: Life as a Tale Excitement Simple sentence : Life as a tale. Glittering generalities Use of color Fig.9. Photograph of "Life as a Tale" Little Mermaid ad. from The Terrier and Lobster
Stereotypes The tall and lean = standard of beauty What is beautiful = good and always favored Fig.10. Photograph of different body types of women from
Physical beauty = inner beauty? Fig.11. Photograph of a skinny model from Fig.12. Photograph of a successful young model from Life of a Model
Ethical issues Fig.13. Photograph of measuring waistline from Lose Weight Tips. Fig.14. But I'm not pretty or skinny enough. From Millionair Mommy Next Door
Even when I got to a size eight, I still wasnt comfortable with my body image, because the pressure I was under made me unhappy and insecure.
Lowered self esteem Extreme weight control methods Anorexia and other eating disabilities Psychological and physical stress Consumption of dieting goods/products Fig.16. Eating disorders from Nursingcrib Fig.15. Photograph of "Life as a Tale" Little Mermaid ad. from The Terrier and Lobster
"Beauty and Body Image in the Media." Media Awareness Network. 08 May But I'm not pretty or skinny enough. Digital image. Millionair Mommy Next Door. 9 May Calvin Klein Envy Line Photo Shoot. Digital image. Celebrific. 9 May Eating disorders. Digital image. 22 Feb May Grant, Sarah. "Too much weight put on having ideal body - From girls in year seven dieting to mums afraid to look in the mirror, we obsess about body image. Sunday Telegraph [Sydney] 19 Dec EBSCO Online. 19 Apr Kilbourne, Jean. "Beauty...and the Beast of Advertising." Center for Media Literacy. 9 May Photograph of Anja Rubik in GAP 1969 Born to FitJean ad. Digital image. 15 July May Bibliography
Photograph of a Barbie doll. Digital image. Blogspot. 9 May Photograph of different body types of women. Digital image. 5 July May Photograph of "Life as a Tale" Cinderella ad. Digital image. The Terrier and Lobster. 28 Jan May Photograph of "Life as a Tale Little Mermaid ad. Digital image. The Terrier and Lobster. 28 Jan May Photograph of measuring waistline. Digital image. Lose Weight Tips. 9 May Photograph of a skinny model. Digital image. 10 Aug May Photograph of a successful young model. Digital image. Life of a Model. 9 May Photograph of a teenaged girl biting her nails. Digital image. 9 May 2011.
Photograph of Vlada Roslyakova & Anja Rubik backstage at Dior. Digital image. SkinnyGossip. 9 May Spring ad Campaigns, Hermes. Digital image. 7 Jan May Weaver, Clair. "Women body image shock." Editorial. Sunday Times 05 June EBSCO Online. 19 Apr
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