Mass Graves Uncovered Where the Men From Srebrenica Ended Up
Fall of Gorazde the Last Safe Area
CAMPS at Omarska
What is the link between nationalism and human rights in this region? Any parallels to the terror in Argentina?
Back to original dilemma… What are the conflicting values?
Dayton Peace Accord Single Bosnia state (country) divided into Bosnia Croat-Muslim Federation and Bosnian Serb Republic (2 republics) joint presidency free elections END up w/ Bosnia ethnic enclaves each elect strong nationalist governments NATO implementation force (IFOR) to enforce provisions and ensure elections War crime tribunal
After Dayton Accords Before the War
International Role in Yugoslavia Neo-isolationist or Internationalist? Cooperative or Military Interventionist?
International Role in Yugoslavia Sept 1991 UN arms embargo on Yugoslavia Oct 1991 Sec’y General sends special envoy (Vance) negotiate a short cease-fire Feb 1992 Deploy UNPROFOR (14,000 soldiers) to ensure that areas vacated by Serbian army are protected assist humanitarian agencies assist displaced persons in getting home
October 1992 UN declares no-fly zones for Serbian planes over Bosnia and send monitors November 1992 send UN troops to Macedonia (1st preventive action ever) February 1993 establish International Criminal tribunal May 1993 declare Sarajevo and 5 other areas as “safe areas” should be free of armed attacks...
June 1993 increase UNPROFOR size authorize use of force (including air strikes) IN REPLY to attacks on any “safe area” Feb. 1994 NATO authorizes air strikes to deter attacks on civilians in Sarajevo April 1994 Contact Group forms to draw up peaceful settlement US, UK, Germany, France, Russia
QUOTES "Milosevic is a survivor, a political animal. But I think the Kosovo crisis is the beginning of his downfall. ... Milosevic has been surfing on patriotism for 10 years, but he has given nothing back to show for it." -- Zarko Korac, a Belgrade University psychology professor (Knight Ridder Newspapers)
QUOTES "Vested interests are behind this [the world's outrage], and of course a very well-organized and well-paid media war. Today in Europe it is normal for the Vatican or Austria and Germany to support Croats. It's not normal if Serbs are supporting Serbs." MILOSEVIC
Massacre at Recak
Massacre at Rogove Village
What guidelines should determine when the U. S What guidelines should determine when the U.S. gets involved in the affairs of other countries?
Yugoslavia must: 1) verifiably stop all military action and immediately end violence and repression 2) withdraw its soldiers, Serb police, and paramilitary forces from Kosovo 3) allow an international military presence in Kosovo with NATO at its core 4) allow the unconditional and safe return of all refugees and displaced persons 5) assure President Slobodan Milosevic willingness to work toward a political solution for Kosovo
“Autonomous” Provinces in Yugoslavia Vojvodina Hungarian and Catholic majority Kosovo Albanian and Muslim majority (90%)
Ethnic and Religious Make-up Slovenia (West) Slovene/Catholic 91% Croat/Catholic 3% Serb/E Ortho 2% Croatia (West) Croat/Catholic 78% Serb/E Ortho 12% Macedonia (East) 66% Macedonian/E Ortho 23% Albanian/Muslim 2% Serb/E Ortho 4% Turk/Muslim Serbia and Montenegro (incorporated Vojvodina and Kosovo) (East) Serb/ E Ortho 63% Montenegrin/ E Ortho 6% Albanian/Muslim 14% Hungarian/Catholic 4% Bosnia and Hercegovina (Central) Muslims (43.7%) Croats/Catholic (17.3%) Serbs/E Ortho (31.4 %)
http://www. guardian. co. uk/gallery/galleryguide/0,6143,378099,00,6143,378099,00.html