What is Productivity? Amount of solar energy provided to an ecosystem Determines how much life can be supported in an ecosystem Solar energy determines the autotroph population which determines the heterotroph populations Uses the following terms: Gross primary productivity (GPP) Net primary productivity (NPP)
What is Productivity? Uses the following terms: GPP-gross primary productivity The amount of solar energy captured by plants Involves photosynthesis activity which produces O2 ↑ photosynthesis, ↑ biomass, ↑ food for others Measured by rate of photosynthesis Measure amount of CO2 used by plant OR measure amount of O2 produced by plant (aquatic) Measured by increase in plant biomass Massing plants (like taking the mass of your grass clippings after mowing the lawn)
What is Productivity? Uses the following terms: NPP-Net Primary Productivity- The difference between amount of stored energy and used energy Stored energy: food (glucose) made through photosynthesis and not used by the plant (storage of biomass) Used energy: food used in cellular respiration for biological work like growth and reproduction
What is Productivity? Equation for NPP- NPP=GPP-R (R stands for respiration) NPP is higher than 0-accumulation of biomass More energy is stored than used Needing to mow your yard (biomass is accumulating)
What is Productivity? Factors affecting NPP- Availability of light Filtered by vegetation, depth in ocean, clarity of water Temperature and moisture Nutrient availability (from the soil) Tropospheric ozone (O3)-decreases productivity; ozone is taken in by plant and O2 is used to make O3
Measuring the PRODUCTIVITY- Light bottle/dark bottle method- Used for an aquatic ecosystem Fill bottle with algae rich water Measure dissolved oxygen level at beginning Cover half the bottles with foil to simulate darkness Leave half the bottles uncovered Leave overnight Measure dissolved oxygen level after 24 hours