Week 9 Slides
Assigned Readings: Controversy in Paradise Chang et al.: Core-self evaluations Locke: Emotional Intelligence Marcus et al.: Integrity testing
Data Collection Ending Wednesday around 2:00 PM Where are less than 100 so lets try to get a few more
Employee Selection Issues Wonderlic Test Polygraph Testing Forced Choice
Forced Choice (Pick One) I take pride in my work I love to help others I enjoy solving complicated problems It is important to follow the rules
Recruitment Project Feedback Describe targets and identify open vs targeted Northern Oregon Some only focused on last sentence Evaluation of recruitment strategies Some missed the boat here Recruitment messages Either administration was discussed or a sample script was provided Rarely both
Presentation Feedback Send me your presentations Try not to sit Make sure audience is prepared for discussion questions Try to make funny videos really short (less than 1:00 minute; 30 seconds it better) Remember your audience when providing detail
Presentation Feedback Try to maintain an overarching theme Include a back and forth on discussion questions The only way to recall is to rehearse Don’t be afraid to ask audience about their knowledge set Have contingencies planned Anticipate Questions