POSITION VACANT: Service Manager – Woorabinda Australian Red Cross is committed to building lasting social and economic value in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We aim to stand with and support families and communities as they drive and lead their own solutions to achieve positive change. In support of the Woorabinda community, Red Cross delivers a small range of services by employing staff and volunteers. Current services include Family Partnership Service, Gumbi Gunyah Women and Children’s Wellbeing Centre, School To Future and Partners In Recovery (PIR) programs. Our Woorabinda operations are managed on a day-to-day basis by our Service Manager. The Service Manager operates under the direction of a community Governance Group that is co-chaired by a Woorabinda Community member and Red Cross Regional Manager in a unique and community-driven model, and Red Cross works in close partnership with Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council. The role of Service Manager is responsible for developing the quality of Red Cross services and activities. The Service Manager leads our teams in-line with Red Cross’ Ways of Working and policies, including recruiting, supervising and coaching staff and volunteers, ensuring compliance with service agreements, organizational policies and legislation (eg Work Health and Safety) and works in partnership with other groups, businesses, government and not-for-profit organizations. We are seeking an awesome leader with a practice background who can lead a place-based model that improves lives by mobilizing the power of humanity. For further information, please visit our Careers page online at www.redcross.org.au Or contact Janis Frost by phone on 0488 990 956 or email: jfrost@redcross.org.au Applications close at 5pm on Monday 18th April 2016.