Item 3.2 – Improvement of expenditure data on education Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Overview of the project - objectives To improve existing expenditure data on education: Making available more timely UOE data Better quality through methodological changes to already existing data collection at EU level Improved comparability between UOE and National Accounts data Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Overview of the project - tasks Task 1: Assessing the quality of the existing 'UOE' expenditure data Task 2: Organizing a pilot data collection in view of producing fresher/more up to date and timely core indicators Task 3: Inventory and documentation of the main methodological differences between the 'UOE' expenditure data and National Accounts data Task 4: Quantifying the main methodological differences between the 'UOE' expenditure data and National Accounts data (reconciliation exercise) Task 5: Comprehensive assessment of expenditure data on education, including recommendations to improve or adapt the existing underlying methodology Project started in January 2016 and will end beginning of 2018 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Task 1: Assessing the quality of the existing 'UOE' expenditure data Quality assessment - Analytical grid: ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS) - concepts Material: Metadata: last version of National Quality Reports (ESS-MH); Data: UOE questionnaires of the last three reference years: 2011 (UOE13), 2012(UOE14) and 2013 (UOE15); Eurostat, Survey on country profiles – Final report, Working paper and series, 2005 edition. NEW Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Task 1: Assessing the quality of the existing 'UOE' expenditure data What has been done so far: Treatment and first analysis of the information available in the national quality reports; Detailed analysis of the availability of finance data by ISCED level; Analysis of users’ needs (downloads from Eurobase) What is in course: Detailed analysis of the data by row (FIN1_Source, FIN2_Nature). Timetable: First draft of the UOE finance assessment report: end of June 2016 NEW Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Timeliness of the data – national workflows Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Timeliness of the data – submission and validation Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 16-17 June 2015
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016 Freshness of the data DG EAC used the COFOG data in the Education and Training monitor 2015 (ETM15) because UOE data were not available when preparing the ETM15; UOE data can claim to have an added value compared to the COFOG and National Accounts data: More detailed ISCED breakdowns; Expenditure per student; Better coverage of private expenditure. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Pilot data collection on core data/indicators Assessment of the UOE finance data shows that some Member States would possibly be able to provide some UOE finance data with a better timeliness (i.e. UOE finance data for reference year t by the end of year t+1); Test the feasibility of such option through a pilot data collection Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Pilot data collection on core data/indicators Voluntary basis; Limited set of data to compute a limited set of indicators based on the main stakeholders’ needs; Proposed timetable: Sending of the questionnaire Last week of June 2016 – First week of July 2016 Deadline for volunteer Member States to return the questionnaire Last week of December 2016 Validation phase January 2017 to March 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Pilot data collection - Timetable Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Pilot data collection - Content Consultation of the main stakeholders (DG EAC, DG ECFIN, DG EMPL, EACEA, CEDEFOP and OECD); FIN1_SOURCE: N20, G1, G4, G10a, G13, G12, G20, G5, G5c, H20, H5, E20, C8, C9, R8, C20-R20-L20, E5, F5, P5, P20 and F20; FIN2_NATURE: A20 and X20 as well as X1, X5, X6, X13, Y1, Y5, Y6, Y13, Z1, Z5, Z6, Z13, X14, X15, Y14, Z14, Y15, Z15, X20, Y20, Z20; ISCED levels: ‘Most demanded’ levels: ISCED level 3, ISCED level 4, ISCED level 1-8, ISCED levels 1-4, and ISCED level 5-8; Breakdown general/vocational at ISCED level 3 and 4; ISCED 0-8 (excl. ECED), ISCED level 0 (all prog.), ISCED level 1 (all prog.), ISCED level 2 (all prog.). Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016 The ETS Working Group is invited to take note of: The objectives and the tasks of the project The planned pilot data collection of a limited set of UOE finance data for volunteer Member States The future reconciliation exercise that will take place in six volunteer Member States Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016 Participants of the ETS Working Group are invited to express their views and discuss: The overall objectives and tasks of the project The possible ways to improve the timeliness of the current UOE Finance data collection process Their willingness to participate in the pilot data collection of a limited set of UOE finance data The timing and the timetable of the pilot data collection The content of the pilot data collection Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 2-3 June 2016