Faith, Love, and Hope in 1 Thessalonians
Background and Context Paul (with Silvanus and Timothy) wrote this, his earliest epistle, during his second missionary journey, from Corinth in 50-51 AD (Acts 18:1-11). Paul founded the church at Thessalonica earlier in the journey, but was forced to leave the city (Acts 17:1-10, 1 Thess. 2:15). Just a short time later (2:17), Paul writes to commend the church for past growth and to encourage future growth.
Structural Keys Particles: Pronouns: for (γὰρ), but (ἀλλὰ), therefore (διό), now (δὲ), then (οὖν). Pronouns: we, you, they, He Structural Keys
Growth in Faith, Love, and Hope 1-3 Past Growth 1 Application of the Gospel 2 Reception of the Gospel 3 Standing Fast in the Gospel 4-5 Future Growth 4:1-12 In Walk 4:1-12 To Self, Brothers, and Outsiders 4:13-5:28 In Hope 4:13-18 Resurrection and Rapture 5:1-5 The Day of the Lord 5:6-28 The Responsibility of Hope Outline
Key Words 8 instances of faith (πίστις) 5 instances of love (5x ἀγάπη, 1x φιλαδελφία) 4 instance of hope (ἐλπίδα) 12 instance of know (οἴδατε) 10 instances of labor/work) (κόπος, ἔργον) 6 instances of good news/gospel (εὐαγγέλιον) 6 instances of always (πάντοτε)
Growth in Faith, Love, and Hope 1-3 Past Growth 1 Application of the Gospel 2 Reception of the Gospel 3 Standing Fast in the Gospel 4-5 Future Growth 4:1-12 In Walk 4:1-12 To Self, Brothers, and Outsiders 4:13-5:28 In Hope 4:13-18 Resurrection and Rapture 5:1-5 The Day of the Lord 5:6-28 The Responsibility of Hope Outline
Observations 1-3 Thessalonians commended for their faith, love, and hope (1:3) (later only faith, love, reiterated) Thessalonians commended for faith (1:8) The word works (2:13) Thessalonians are Paul’s hope (2:19-20) Paul affirmed regarding their faith and love (3:2-10) – but noticeably absent is hope.
Growth in Faith, Love, and Hope 1-3 Past Growth 1 Application of the Gospel 2 Reception of the Gospel 3 Standing Fast in the Gospel 4-5 Future Growth 4:1-12 In Walk 4:1-12 To Self, Brothers, and Outsiders 4:13-5:28 In Hope 4:13-18 Resurrection and Rapture 5:1-5 The Day of the Lord 5:6-28 The Responsibility of Hope Outline
Observations 4:1-12 Thessalonians are walking well, but exhorted to do more (4:1,10) No need of further instruction on love (4:9-10), but should do more Work is expected as part of love (4:11-12)
Growth in Faith, Love, and Hope 1-3 Past Growth 1 Application of the Gospel 2 Reception of the Gospel 3 Standing Fast in the Gospel 4-5 Future Growth 4:1-12 In Walk 4:1-12 To Self, Brothers, and Outsiders 4:13-5:28 In Hope 4:13-18 Resurrection and Rapture 5:1-5 The Day of the Lord 5:6-28 The Responsibility of Hope Outline
Observations 4:13-5:28 Need for knowledge regarding hope (4:13) Hope should be a distinguishing factor (4:13) Words of hope a basis for exhortation, encouragement (4:18) Commended for their knowledge (5:1-2) An urgency based on the times (5:6-8) Thessalonians were encouraging and building up each other, needed to continue (5:11) Other responsibilities stemming from positional reality and ultimate hope (5:12-28)