Town of Ledyard Proposed Charter Revision 2017-2018 Town Council Public Hearing May 9, 2018 By Stan Juber, Chairman Charter Revision Commission Presentation at Town Council’s Public Hearing on proposed Charter Revision.
Charter Revision Commission 2017-2018 Members: Stan Juber, Chairman Bill Peckham, Vice Chairman Kevin Dombrowski, Secretary Pete Champagne Hilary Jantzi (2017 only) Bruce Johnson Gordon Strickland, Jr. Special thanks to Roxanne Maher, Administrative Assistant! This Commission was a great team. And special thanks to Roxanne!
Charter Revision Commission 2017-2018 Organizational meeting held March 13, 2017 Initial Public Hearing held March 29, 2017 Met twice per month Public Hearing on Preliminary Draft held November 2, 2017 Town Council extended completion date Filed draft report with Town Clerk on April 11, 2018 Timeline of major events. Original termination date was February 2018; Town Council amended the appointment.
Charter Revision Commission 2017-2018 All changes were adopted by unanimous consensus of the Commissioners Each recommendation in the Town Council’s referral letter dated February 23, 2017, is addressed individually Comments received at the initial public hearing, received during the course of the Commission’s deliberations, or received at the November 2, 2017 hearing are either addressed individually or are combined where numerous similar suggestions were received Minor changes were also made to improve clarity or correct typographical errors Overview of the process.
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Town Charter Cover Design/Town Seal No change recommended due to difficulty & expense of changing Registrars of Voters Beginning with the next regular town election following adoption of this Charter, Registrars of Voters shall serve four (4) year terms Section 5 Board of Education The Board of Education must have an organizational meeting in accordance with State Statute. Section 8 Voting Districts To conform to the current State districting, while also allowing for future State district changes without need to revise the Charter, allow the Town Council to set district boundaries, with a minimum of 2 districts
Charter Revision Commission Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Town Council Town Council’s Organizational Meeting moved from 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Legal Notices Unless otherwise required by State statutes, legal notices and proposed ordinances can be posted on the Town Website instead of in a newspaper. Building Code Board of Appeals The Board shall annually select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. Board of Assessment Appeals Provide for 3 alternate members, in addition to 3 regular members (5 regular members in revaluation years), and shall annually select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. Permanent Municipal Building Committe Now requires the Town Council to provide for by ordinance.
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Law Enforcement Division Removed reference to Resident State Trooper; allow for police services to be provided by a regional agency; allow Mayor to act as Police Chief if position is vacant. Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Services Division / Administrator of Emergency Services The Town Council and Mayor should Revise Ordinance #124 “An Ordinance Establishing a Town of Ledyard Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Services Division” to establish the order of supervision. The Mayor should establish and periodically revise a complete town organization chart. Public Safety Commission The Public Safety Commission was created to formalize coordination between the various emergency services (previously done on an ad-hoc basis), not to act as governing body for emergency services. Minor changes proposed to update position titles. Department of Nursing Services (Nursing Director) To encourage consultation and cooperation between Nursing Services and the Director of Health, no changes were made.
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Department of Land Use and Planning Allow Town Council & Mayor flexibility to revise Town agencies to react to changing conditions without need to for Charter revision, while continuing to mandate functions with widespread support. The Town Council may continue functions such as Economic Development even if the requirement is removed from the Charter. Change references to the Zoning Commission or Planning Commission to the “Planning & Zoning Commission”; Removed “Economic Development Coordinator” Revised description of the Town Planner Deleted Subsection E - Economic Development
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Budget Process Changes proposed to allow time for absentee ballots and to allow changes to the Town budget in response to changes in State aid. Where appropriate, the “Committee to Transform the Budget Process’ Report” recommendations were incorporated. General Government Budget Budget submission must include plans for dealing with reductions in State funding that might occur after the General Government and Board of Education budget are approved at referendum. Plans may include reduction in services, use of surplus or an increase in taxes. Contingency plans shall be available at the time of the referendum. Must note regionalization efforts. Board of Education Budget Budget submission must include plans for dealing with reductions in State funding that might occur after the Board of Education budget is prepared; could include reduction in services. Contingency plans shall be available at the time of the referendum. The Board of Education shall include any steps taken to address changing enrollment. Capital Improvement plan shall be included in the Board of Education Budget A significant amount of time was devoted to the budget process.
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Public Hearing, Annual Town Meeting/Referendum Removed the provision for a third budget referendum to allow additional time for changes in the State budget, and provide for absentee ballots on the Town budget, while still adopting a final Town budget by the beginning of the new fiscal year. Town Meeting/first referendum date is unchanged (third Monday in May). Second referendum will be 3 weeks (instead of 2 weeks) after the first budget referendum. If the second referendum does not approve a budget, the Town Council shall adopt a final budget by the fourth Monday in June. Should both the referenda and the Town Council fail to adopt a final budget by the fourth Monday in June, the budget most recently approved by the Town Council that was presented at the second referendum shall be deemed to have been adopted… If actual State aid is less than anticipated by the adopted budget, the Town Council may reopen the budget. The Town Council will present a revised budget to a Town Meeting for information, then adjourn to voting machines. If the revised budget is approved, a new mil rate will be set. Should the revised budget not be approved, the Town Council shall reduce the current budget to eliminate the shortfall. The adjusted budget shall then automatically become the operating budget for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Proposed Charter Revision Summary of Major Suggestions & Commission Actions Political Activity (New) No employee may use official authority to interfere with an election or a nomination for office; or coerce a contribution for political purposes. Employees retain the right to vote and to express opinions on political subjects and candidates, and participate in political management and campaigns. No classified employee shall engage in political activity while on duty or during any time while compensated for services. No employee shall utilize Town funds, supplies, vehicles or facilities to support or oppose any candidate, party, or issue in a partisan election. Eminent Domain Added requirement to follow State statutes; removed referendum requirement Retirement Of Town Employees Revised to reflect change from Defined Benefit Plan to a Defined Contribution Plan Most ethical concerns are already addressed by Statutes or Ordinances; added restrictions on using Town resources for political purposes.
Charter Revision Next Steps Town Council may recommend changes within 15 days of today’s public hearing. If no changes are recommended, report becomes final. Charter Revision Commission has 30 days to act on Town Council’s suggested changes. Town Council may accept or reject the proposed Charter revisions, in whole or in part. Charter Revision Commission is terminated after this vote. Proposed Charter revisions must be published within 30 days of Town Council’s vote to accept the final report. Here’s what’s next.
Charter Revision Next Steps Date for vote on proposed revisions must be set; November 6, 2018 regular election is suggested. Revisions, if approved, become effective on December 3, 2018 Secretary of State is notified of vote results within 15 days of the election. Revised Charter is filed with the Secretary of State within 30 days of the election.
2017-2018 Charter Revision Public Hearing on Proposed Changes Thank You! Questions? Any questions?