The word fashion itself denotes what it exactly means. Coming to the beginners view- Fa- denotes to the root meaning for fabric. Whether you start thinking about a subject regarding fashion, or end with it. Sh- it denotes shear. This is what gives the ultimatum to a material with its shape, size and perfection. I- This is the word where we should never stuck up, Innovate and innovate until your last breath. On- The plans of innovation being on stream and readily available to all, should be the basic motive.
Nature- The primal force or basic nature of intelligence through which a person keeps his/ her body or basic parts of the body covered. Basic foresight- The anticipation of the forthcoming arrangements of designs that will come into existence through our hands. Combination- Combination of all living & non living objects into fashion. Quality & quantity- The amount of material needed & the most suitable quality for that exact design, pays huge than anything else for a designer.
Abode- The place where we are going to flaunt the design genuinely, market beneficially and be accepted worldwide, is also a point to be noted. Time- The most important factor to be graced, for a design to get represented in the exact timing. That again includes nature of season, nature of occasion and so on. Direction- The direction here includes two types again- the person designing or making the dress. person carrying the dress. User- The person wearing the specific dress with his/her mental & physical position & status.
We all know there is a difference of perception in men and women vision of color perception. Utilization of this theory can be done in the field of design presentation. Men visualize mainly colors of red, purple, yellow, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue. To club the models complexion and play with above mentioned colors, will help the male observers to grasp well. E.g: is as follows.
10 BOYS WERE ASKED TO TELL THE IDEAL COLOURS OF THE TWO DRESSES. 8boys saidblue, pink & yellow. 2 boys said light blue,pink & yellow. 7boys said deep blue,purple & yellow. 3boys said blue,violet & yellow.
A bit of tilt in naming colours can too bring a revolution in fashion world. Now suppose these are the 4 shades of blue, that carries different wavelength & different hue. So, to make a person know about these 4 colors instantly, We can make gradation keeping 1 colour standardized. Eg: If navy blue is the neutral blue( standardized) then it can be called as BLUE EXOCROME, and the lightest of blue can be called as BLUE ENDOCROME. And colors in between these two ranges can be graded from 1 to 100 and so on.
On this following topic we can bring up mixed cultures from one end of the world to the other end. E.g: The unique and traditional design of Ireland is chain quit patterns. This we can intermix with the traditional Assamese attire known as MEKHLA.
My sole research on many other different considerations are in process. E.g: clothes focusing bone preservation, Clothes focusing stoppage of girl child killing & so on. As manipulation and discovery are the main source of a brand,my goal is to trick the brain of fashion lovers. Brain loves trends because they are fast acting short- lived blasts of novelty... and our gray matter simply loves new things!