Creative Wake-Up Write a eulogy for a sandwich, to be delivered while eating it. Write the passenger safety instructions card for a time-travel machine. An undercover spy is about to impersonate you in all aspects of your life. Write instructions.
Memorable Trip Think of the most memorable trip you have ever been on. Describe the trip in no more than 20 words Teacher to model first. - video of travel writers explaining the processesin travel writing. “A glimpse into the life of the unknown: unfamiliar roads, foreign language, mysterious culture. My visit to England. Age 8.”
Analysing Travel Writing The article won a travel writing competition and was published by the Telegraph website, with the writer winning £200. Why was this article the winner? Annotate the article, looking for language techniques used by the writer (AFOREST, the senses) Choose Chapter 5: Language
“Bedraggled and bewildered, I emerged from the murky water, gasping.” “Just Back” “Bedraggled and bewildered, I emerged from the murky water, gasping.” Why is this such a powerful opening? Which words stand out, and why? What type of sentence has been used for impact? What is the effect on the reader of starting the piece this way?
Travel Writing Conventions What are the common conventions of travel writing? Re-read the article and the Heart of Darkness extract, which also tells the story of a journey.
Powerful Openings Write a one sentence opener to your own piece of travel writing (rooted in truth, or imaginary) Swap the opening with a partner Answer the following questions about your partner’s opening: Does it grab the reader’s attention? Why/why not? What impression does it give you of the place they are describing? Are there any improvements the writer could have made? Swap back and edit the opening sentence. Write the opening paragraph.
A F O R E S T All Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, Personification Facts & Figures: Using numbers to support your ideas Opinions: Personal thoughts R E S Rhetorical Questions or Repetition. Emotive language: Words used to trigger your feelings Sounds Alliteration. Assonance. Sibilance. Onomatopoeia T (Rule of) Three
Analysing Travel Writing Annotate the following in your given extract: AFOREST Opening Vocabulary Syntax & Punctuation Choose Chapter 5: Language
Creating the Culture of Canons G.A.P.? In groups, choose four locations in the school. Capture the culture of Canons in two pictures per location Describe the features of the location, including what it has to offer to new students, and why it is unique to our school Write one paragraph per location Use AFOREST & sensory imagery Choose Chapter 5: Language