Jim Carpenter March 26, 2001 Last Update: Wednesday, June 14, 2001 Analyzing the Definition of a Classification Scheme In ISO 11179 - Part 2: Classification Jim Carpenter March 26, 2001 Last Update: Wednesday, June 14, 2001
Classifications Scheme 3 part definition from ISO/IEC 11179 – Part 3 Descriptive information for an arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics, which the objects have in common
Classification Scheme the descriptive information Basic attributes Classification_Scheme Set of attributes Scheme type classification_scheme_administered_item: Administration_Record classification_scheme_type_name: String 1..n membership 0..n Classification_Scheme_Item Group type Group name csi_type_name: String csi_value: String Relationship between groups classification_scheme_item_relationship
Classification_Scheme Attributes Three Examples classification_ scheme_type_ name classification_scheme_ administered_item/ designation/name csi_type_name csi_value Keyword List Keywords for classifying my articles Keyword politics Taxonomy Taxa trout Data Model Business model of a grocery store Class Customer Example 1: Example 2: Example 3:
Descriptive information Scheme type Examples: key word list, taxonomy, model, etc. Attribute: classification_scheme_type_name Scheme name, definition, and context Attributes: classification_scheme_administered_item Designation, Definition, Context Documentation of scheme Reference_Document Item (group) types, values, and relationships Attributes: Classification_Scheme_Item csi_type_name, csi_value Classification_Scheme_Item_Relationship
Descriptive Information: scheme type, item type, item value, & item relationship
Descriptive Information: Definition, designation, context, and reference document
Classification Scheme for an arrangement or division of objects into groups Purpose is to arrange objects into groups The objects being classified are “administration records” The groups are called “classification scheme items”
Classification Groups Objects to classify
Classification Scheme based on characteristics, which the objects have in common Characteristics … could be arbitrary are different than those specified by attributes in the model in part 3 Serves to extend the attribute set of an administrative record
Attribute Set of An Administration_Record Any path from Administration_Record ending in a class or property is an attribute of the Administration_Record Example: Slash notation: Administration_Record/reference/Reference_Document/reference_document_title UML notation: Administration_Record Reference_Document reference reference_document_title
Path Structure Any path in a model can be represented as a reflexive relationship of a class to itself. Thus, any Administration_Record attribute can be represented with this UML diagram: Administration_Record Class in 11179 Model Relationships in 11179 Model