Slavko V. Šolar, Gorazd Žibret Geološki zavod Slovenije


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Presentation transcript:

Slavko V. Šolar, Gorazd Žibret Geološki zavod Slovenije Vzdržno gospodarjenje z mineralnimi surovinami za gradbeništvo Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management - SARMa Slavko V. Šolar, Gorazd Žibret Geološki zavod Slovenije Geološki zavod Slovenije 3. SGK, Bovec, 16. – 18. 09. 2010

Table of Contents Introduction Sustainable Development and Mineral Resources European Framework EU project SARMa Framework Definition of SARM and SSM Description (purpose, goals, work, consortium …) Project Flow Final SARMa conference announcement

Sustainable Development and Mineral Resources Discussions about the role of natural resources in sustainability tend to focus on the need to sustain ecosystems and maintain biodiversity. Individual deposits are finite in size and quantity. On a broader, global scale, minerals are seldom truly exhausted, but rather redistributed from their location in deposits to products and waste materials. The main goals of sustainability as applied to minerals are to maintain the stream of benefits to society and to do so in a manner that results in a net benefit to society over the life of the mine and the product.

European Context Thematic strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: COM(2005) 670 "decoupling": more value per kilogram, more value per impact, less impact per kilogram Mining Waste Directive Raw Materials Initiative - COM(2008) 699: Securing reliable and undistorted access to raw materials is increasingly becoming an important factor for the EU’s competitiveness and, hence, crucial to the success of the Lisbon Partnership for growth and jobs. 3 pillars: (1) access to raw materials at undistorted conditions, (2) forster sustainable supply of raw materials from EU sources, (3) reduce EU consumption of primary raw materials

Evropski kontekst - različni projekti FP 7 PROMINE EOMINERS (GeoZS kot partner) EUROGEOSOURCE (GeoZS kot partner) …… Others South East Europe – SARMa ….. New calls (cooperation, theme 4 - nanosciences, materials...) NMP.2011.4.0-2 Advanced underground technologies for intelligent mining and for inspection, maintenance and excavation NMP.2011.3.4-1 Eco-efficient management of industrial water (this shall include mining activities) NMP.2011.2.2-4 Novel materials for replacement of critical materials (platinum group metals and rare earths) NMP.2011.4.0-6 ERA-NET on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European Industries

Geological Survey of Slovenia EU project SARMa Contact information: Tel. (01) 28 09 760 Geological Survey of Slovenia Dimičeva ulica 14 p.p. 2552 SI – 1001 Ljubljana 30.12.2018


Overview Aggregates - basis of infrastructural development. 3 billion tonnes of sand, gravel and crushed stone with a value of 35 billions € are produced annually in Europe to meet the demands of building and construction industry. Construction sector is predicted to grow, especially in new EU-members (4,2 % per year). Secured supply of raw materials for the industry and therefore the importance of sustainable aggregates resource management is evident.

Project Background Aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel) are crucial for infrastructure and construction. SEE countries are rich in aggregates, but supply is not coordinated within or across the area. Challenges are illegal and damaging quarries, un-reclaimed sites, limited recycling and community opposition. Fulfilling demand requires efficient and sustainable supply chain (planning, extraction, transport, use and recycling), and socio-eco friendly quarrying, to preclude opposition to extraction, supply bottlenecks, and restricted growth.

A group experts decided to explore sustainable aggregate management in the framework of the South East European (SEE) Transnational Programme 2007-2013: - project proposal procedure: 2 stages, proposal approved in spring 2009 - from over 800 proposals SARMa was ranked as 15th - project duration: 2,5 years - project partnership: 15 partners and 8 observers (authorities, universities, geological surveys, chambers of commerce etc) - project budget is approximately 2 Mio. €

Project objectives Focus of the project is related to: sustainable aggregate resource management (SARM), efficient, low socio-environmental impact quarrying and efficient waste management. sustainable supply mix (SSM) policies and practices. SSM uses multiple sources, including recycled wastes that together maximize net benefits of aggregate supply. Development of a common approach to SARM and SSM to ensure efficient management and secure supply in SEE area. Increasing transfer of know-how and supporting capacity building in firms, government and civil society.

Methodical approach Project partners aim to achieve objectives through work packages (WP): WP1: project management WP-leader: Geological Survey, Slovenia WP2: project dissemination WP-leader: Technical University of Crete, Greece WP3: activities at local scale WP-leader: Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Greece WP4: regional/national scale WP-leader: Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology WP5: transnational scale WP-leader: University of Leoben, Austria

WP2 – dissemination - manuals - best practices - leaflets, brochures, posters - website (; google -> sarma project, 1st hit) - national and regional capacity building workshops - articles, press releases - conferences - FINAL CONFERENCE, Ljubljana, 20-22 September 2011

WP3 – local level WP3 aims to fulfill project objectives on local scale focused on improving resource efficiency. Decreasing environmental and social impacts of quarrying and improving reclamation; Reducing illegal quarrying, and Increasing recycling. WP3 provides technical information for WP4+WP5.

WP4 - Regional and National Level Activities Creation of a framework for sustainable aggregates resource management. Development of regional/national approaches to implementing SARM. Relevant regional/national legislation, procedures will be studied.

WP5 - Transnational Level Activities WP5 addresses transnational aspects, i.e. possibilities for harmonizing policies related to 1) sustainable aggregates management 2) secure supply 3) establishment of a Regional Centre for SARM and SSM in South-East-Europe.

What do we do?


baseline (case) study reports...

workshops, conferences, articles...

project meetings, field visits...

T H A N K Y O U AND... do not forget to visit you are welcomed to participate on the final conference in september next year