Building Transnational Knowledge & Technology Acquisition Networks World Bank Knowledge Economy Forum Cambridge, England, April 17-19, 2007 Richard Escritt Director Research DG European Commission
Building Transnational Knowledge & Technology Acquisition Networks The European scene The EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7) Scope Openness Transparency Impact Wider Perspectives
The European Scene The Cambridge phenomenon The Lisbon Agenda
FP7 How does FP7 help build networks? With a budget of €54 billion – an increase of 40% in real terms – over seven years.
FP7 Characteristics S/T excellence – Peer review Openness (including to the world) Transparency Impact
Collaborative Links (National+International) Established through FP Funded Shared-Cost Actions
Source: DG Research, Eurostat Data: Eurostat FP Participants Are More Likely to Produce Product/Process Innovations Source: DG Research, Eurostat Data: Eurostat
FP Participants are More Likely to Patent Source: DG Research, Eurostat Data: Eurostat
Wider Perspectives The Framework Programme at EU level National & regional programmes Green Paper: New Perspectives, e.g. mobility, EIT