2018-2020 kctcs action plan
BACKGROUND WHAT? 2016-2022 KCTCS Strategic Plan describes WHAT goals we plan to accomplish. HOW? The Action Plan describes HOW the goals are met through specific strategies and tactics that are matched to the strategic goals. Invite to ask questions as we go along.
THE CYCLE The 2016-22 KCTCS Strategic Plan is divided into three 2-year action plans with strategies and tactics that describe HOW we will accomplish our goals. 2016-2018 Year One Year Two 2018-2020 2020-2022
The 2018-2020 Action Plan consists of five strategies with tactics/activities and intended outcomes to be achieved by June 2020.
STRATEGY 1: Expand targeted outreach and support for adult learners to increase participation and success in postsecondary education. INTENDED OUTCOMEs: Increase enrollment of adult learners by 1%. Increase credentials earned by adult learners by 1%. Increase participation in workforce credit classes by 1%.
HOW WILL WE SUPPORT ADULT LEARNERS? Marketing & recruitment initiatives focused on adult learners. Implement new programs or redesign current programs to attract adult learners. Increase adult learner enrollment in credit courses offered through KCTCS Workforce Solutions. Implement strategies to reduce the need for developmental education, including continued expansion of the co-requisite model and Quantitative Reasoning Math Pathways. Provide professional development opportunities that build capacity for delivery of services and instruction that responds to needs of adult students (including veterans). Work with KCTCS vendors to increase outreach efforts to adult students.
STRATEGY 2: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of admissions and enrollment processes at KCTCS colleges. INTENDED OUTCOMEs: * Increase underrepresented minority (URM) enrollment by 0.6%. * Increase URM retention rate by 2.9%. * Decrease the gap between URM and non-URM enrollment in dual credit courses by 1%.
HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? Explore with faculty and staff through professional development, the use of process mapping and improvement methodologies (e.g. LEAN). Through the use of process mapping and improvement methodologies, map out current admissions and enrollment processes across the system to enhance consistency and efficiency. Identify and implement methods to increase the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students enrolled in dual credit courses. Conduct training and education efforts to better utilize academic planning modules in the student information system. Explore and improve processes and policies related to management of financial, financial aid, and admissions holds. Design and implement marketing, recruitment and retention activities that emphasize and engage the entire family. Develop a system-wide approach to conducting cultural competence assessments to design future training and professional development.
STRATEGY 3: Develop guided career pathways that include immersive orientation, intrusive advising, block scheduling, and meta-majors. INTENDED OUTCOMEs: * Implement meta-majors developed for 8 academic areas. * Increase number of students engaged in experiential earning by 1% each year.
HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? Promote student use of career exploration resources that align with guided career pathways and job placement. Develop meta-majors to form broad academic pathways and guide students through their career choices. Expand and develop transfer/career pathways plans with four-year institutions.
STRATEGY 4: Leverage financial aid processes and Starfish Retention Solutions capabilities to increase retention and completion. INTENDED OUTCOMEs: * Increase graduation rate by 1% each year. * Increase retention rate by 1% each year.
HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? Continue implementation of Centralized Processing Center for financial aid. Utilize financial aid SAP and Probation 1 data to intervene and assist students with appeals and coaching for future success. Increase and improve colleges’ usage of Starfish Retention Solutions capabilities. Increase the number of students with “leftover” Pell grant funds who enroll in summer.
STRATEGY 5: Increase the number of KCTCS students who complete career-oriented certificates in targeted industry sectors, and dual credit students who earn credits in these programs. INTENDED OUTCOMEs: * Increase the number of credentials awarded in targeted industry sectors by 1% each year.
HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? Utilize the Work Ready Kentucky scholarship program to promote short-term training opportunities. Increase technical program dual credit opportunities leading to certificate completion and/or reduced completion time. Form advisory councils at the statewide level that include employers by industry sector for both workforce and credential programs. Investigate processes to award credentials to students who are still enrolled in high school. Implement initiatives that allow students seeking Kentucky Adult Education (Skills U) assistance to earn KCTCS credentials in a co- enrollment model. Link Career and Job Placement Services with employers to better prepare students to transition from college to work.