Tomorrow’s Foundation Renewal | New Sponsorship Request May 2017
Introduction Founded in 1991 by Arup, Swarup Ghosh on a terrace in Kolkata with 17 children Projects in 3 states - West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand 12 active projects 8000 children participate per year
Year in Focus 2016 - 17
Mother Project ASHA SV supported 50 kids in 2016-17 in the Mother Project After school program to support and develop latent talents Remedial training to improve academic performance Extra - curricular activities, meal programs, to improve retention Special programmes to spread health awareness Sessions for parents to make them aware and get them involved
Highlights 2016-17 5 students took up Secondary Level exams (7th std) and all of them passed, the high score being 52% 5 students took up Higher Secondary Level exams (10th std) and all of them passed, the high score being 82% Children from the Mother Project participated in an inter-school Quiz 9 students took part in a dance program organized by Urmila Bhoemick, a famous dancer 7 students graduated / found jobs & no longer need support. 7 others dropped out of the program TF celebrated its 25th year Anniversary in August of 2016 TF won the Human Rights Prize of the French Republic in December 2016 for project Charaibeti IIM Kolkata students did a feasibility study on Diganta and provided recommendations that will be folded into the project
Site Visit Report Padmanava Sen (ASHA Bangalore / ASHA Central Team) - Jan 2017 Overall Impressions The Model School is running great. Diganta, which is a collaboration with Kolkata Municipal Corporation is an expansion of the model school methodology to Govt. run schools. Remedial Coaching - extra evening classes for students. The kids’ English seemed a little weak compared to kids in other Govt. schools SAC Children - Padmanava met with children supported by the ASHA SV SAC program. They are very hopeful about the future and most of them seemed to have a plan.
Budget 2017-18
12,58,675 Secondary School (23) High School (27) Miscellaneous Adm. & Exam Fees Text Books Stationery Food Tuition Fees Uniform Medical Expenses Remedial Coaching Follow-up cost Hostel Fees Adm. & Exam Fees Text Books Stationery Food Tuition Fees Uniform Medical Expenses Remedial Coaching Follow-up cost 10% of (Secondary + High School) Supervisor salary 5,33,990 5,32,260 1,92,425 12,58,675 * All costs in INR
Looking Ahead
New Sponsorship Request Asking to fund 53 extra kids apart from the 50 that we are already supporting They were funded using money from the corpus last year, so TF is desperately looking for support
13,33,024 Secondary School (53) Miscellaneous Adm. & Exam Fees Text Books Stationery Food Tuition Fees Uniform Medical Expenses Remedial Coaching Follow-up cost 10% of (Secondary School) Supervisor salary 12,11,840 1,21,184 13,33,024 * All costs in INR
Harsha Kudoor | Questions ? Harsha Kudoor |
Thanks! TF Website | TF Movie - Little Wings |
Diganta “Scale the Model School success to 11 other KMC schools in 3 years” KMC agreed to let TF implement its model in 11 other schools Awareness programs, council meetings to get parents and local authorities on-board Door to door visits, interaction with parents to get them to enroll kids Train KMC teachers in the Competency based learning and Activity based learning models that have produced good results in the Model School Assess improvement at regular intervals to establish an active feedback loop