A Vocabulary Review Activity
Setup Directions: Type a vocabulary word on each of the following 10 slides in the subtitle textbox. When complete, run the show by pressing F5 on the keyboard. One student stands with back to this presentation. The class gives the student clues to the vocabulary word onscreen as a clock keeps time. The student tries to guess the word before the buzzer.
Ready to play?
hurricane el huracán los huracanes The is…
flood la inundación las inundaciones The is…
to rain llover The is…
rain la lluvia The is…
to snow nevar The is…
earthquake el terremoto The is…
storm la tormenta The is…
article el artículo The is…
to investigate invertigar The is…
announcer el locutor, la locutora The is…
newscast el noticiero The is…
to occur ocurrir The is…
reporter el reportero, la reportera The is…
to try to tratar de The is…
to put out (fire) apagar The is…
to go down bajar The is…
firefighter el bombero, la bombera The is…
to start comenzar The is…
to destroy destruir The is…
asleep dormido, -a The is…
apartment building el edificio de apartamentos The is…
ladder la escalera The is…
to escape escaparse The is…
to hide (oneself) esconder (se) The is…
explosion la explosión las explosiones The is…
smoke el humo The is…
fire el incendio The is…
furniture los muebles The is…
dead muerto, -a The is…
paramedic el paramédico, la paramédica The is…
to burn (oneself), to burn up quemar (se) The is…
they died se murieron The is…
to go up subir The is…
injured herido, -a The is…
injured person el herido, la herida The is…
heroe heroine el héroe la heroina The is…
to rescue rescatar The is…
to save salvar The is…
brave valiente The is…
life la vida The is…
living, alive vivo, -a The is…
because of a causa de The is…
fortunately afortunadamente The is…
frightened asustado, -a The is…
cause la causa The is…
in a hurry de prisa The is…
suddenly de repente The is…
to sceam gritar The is…
there was hubo The is…
to call (on the phone) llamar (por teléfono) The is…
to hear oír The is…
without a doubt sin duda The is…
Help! ¡Socorro! The is…