Complex Estuarine Dynamics


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Presentation transcript:

Complex Estuarine Dynamics Estuarine circulation can transport downstream pollutants to upstream

Pollutants in the James River can be transported into the Elizabeth River

Pollutants in the Elizabeth River can be transported to James River

Pollutant Sources from Watershed

PCB Transport in Estuary Atmospheric depostion Air-sea exchange Runoff Discharge Sorbed to POC & algae PCB Transport downstream Sorption/desorption Sorbed to DOC Dissolved Settling and Resuspension Transport Upstream due to stratification Ground water Diffusion Burial

Modeling Approach Entire James River will be simulated Refined model grids will be used whenever it is needed An equilibrium sorbent dynamic PCB model will be incorporated into the hydrodynamic model for simulation PCB transport in the estuary

Modeling Framework Hydrodynamic Model Eutrophication Model Transport fields Mixing Eutrophication Model Organic carbon in water column Organic carbon in bottom Sediment point/nonpoint sources Sorbent dynamic PCB model (equilibrium partition) Atmospheric deposition Diffusion PCB in water PCB in sediment deposition resuspension Net burial

James River Model Grid

Example of Refined Elizabeth River This slide shows the transition from coarse grid (370m cells) to fine grid (123m cells) in the Elizabeth River where the effects of channel deepening were investigated. In addition to channel deepening, the evaluation of design effects on material transport and the flushing ability of the Elizabeth River basin was evaluated. Neither would have been possible in the absence of the fine grid.