Intere sted In Fashio n?
Would you love to be able to make your own clothes / soft furnish ings?
Want to get a good GCSE and learn life long skills at the same time?
Aiming for a career in Fashion Design, Illustration or Buying…
Or do you just like designi ng and making using textile s?
Fashion is not necessar ily about labels. It s not about brands. It s about somethin g else that comes from within you. Ralph Lauren
Lord Chesterf ield - When a person is in fashion, all they do is right
Yr 9 – Learn lots of skills through mini project s
Making your own sewing kit wrap
E - Textiles
Yr 10 – Learn the skills needed to make a garment
Then start your control led assessm ent
You will need to be prepared to : Improve on your work in your own time Provide materials and components for making tasks Have a positive attitude to challenges and use this to overcome them Follow all Health and Safety rules