In August, the historic CORE district waiver was approved allowing these districts to pursue a new robust and holistic accountability model for schools.


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Presentation transcript:

In August, the historic CORE district waiver was approved allowing these districts to pursue a new robust and holistic accountability model for schools while freeing up $110M in Title 1 set-asides for more effective use School Quality Improvement System Commitments College- and Career-Ready Standards All districts will transition to the Common Core State Standards by the start of the school year Differentiated Accountability, Recognition, and Support Participating districts will implement the School Quality Improvement Index, a 100-point scale for schools comprised of: Proficiency on state tests and grad/persistence: 60% Social-emotional factors: 20% School culture-climate factors: 20% The lowest performing priority schools will partner with high performing reward schools for targeted interventions Schools with large achievement gaps (focus schools) and those that dont meet their AMOs will join communities of practice Districts and schools will commit to data sharing and regular collaboration through convenings Supporting Effective Leadership Participating districts will implement or modify existing educator evaluation systems to include: At least 4 levels of differentiation Student growth as either a minimum of 20% of overall educator performance ratings, or to trigger conversation about disconnect between student growth and classroom practice observations Participating Districts Title 1 Set Aside Dollars and Number of Students Impacted

Key Implementation Requirements of the CORE NCLB Waiver College and Career Ready Standards New CORE Accountability Model For Identifying School Supports and Interventions Teacher and Principal Evaluation Incorporating Growth in Student Achievement Peer-based Monitoring, Review, and Support Implement Common Core Standards in the SY and SBAC assessments, starting in Participate in the School Quality Improvement System, which includes a CORE- designed holistic accountability model, AMOs, and school designations (e.g., Reward, Focus, and Priority schools) Track, submit, and release school-level academic, social-emotional, and culture and climate information Commitment from Participating CORE Waiver LEAs Develop guidelines for the teacher and principal evaluation system by the start of the SY Implement by (and pilot by ) a teacher and principal evaluation system that differentiates performances into four tiers and includes, as a significant factor, student growth Waiver Component Partner with LEA peers to support and monitor waiver activity implementation Priority or Focus schools or other schools needing improvement will participate in pairing process with a Reward or exemplar school Stakeholder Engagement Information and feedback regarding the impact of all waiver elements in each LEAs local context for implementation of all waiver elements/principles Labor partners Parent community Other stakeholders Private school community

The commitments of the waiver precipitate several near-term requirements; a number of implementation activities have been completed Completed Implementation Activities To-Dos by the End of 2013 General School Quality Improvement System implementation plan template, rubric and guidelines created and shared with District leads (to be completed by LEAs by September 10 th ) Educator and Leader Evaluation Systems Held 3 day summit for professional capital representatives from all participating districts where draft evaluation system guidelines created Created corresponding rubric for use in LEA peer review of educator effectiveness systems General Continue consultation with school principals, teachers, parents, bargaining units, and other key stakeholder groups In-Progress LEA implementation plans undergo peer review (during the week of September 15 th ) - In-Progress Consolidate LEA questions and create FAQ reference document – In-Progress School Quality Improvement Index Finalize contract with 3 rd party data vendor; districts sign data-sharing agreement- In-Progress Finalize selection and weighting of social-emotional and culture-climate indicators included in School Quality Improvement Index - In-Progress Contract social-emotional and culture-climate survey vendors, as applicable - In-Progress School Pairing Program Create reward-priority school partnerships - In-Progress Hold reward school Coaching Institute and Partner Institute – October/November 2013 Finalize common reimbursement forms and procedure for cost incurred by reward schools under the school pairing program - In-Progress Educator and Leader Evaluation Systems Finalize evaluation system guidelines –In-Progress Hold evaluation system convening and peer review

Common Core standards will be fully implemented in the SY College and Career Ready Standards and Assessment Districts Develop Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced Assessment implementation and transition plans Fully implement the Common Core State Standards for all students and associated professional development for teachers and administrators in SY Implement Smarter Balanced-aligned performance tasks in SY and fully implement assessments in SY CORE Annually, hold 2 day CCSS convening to support districts CCSS implementation and peer review Hold regular convenings for best practice sharing (monthly SAI team convenings)

School Quality Improvement System Implementation Plan 180 Day Plan: CCSS Implementation, Educator Evaluation Systems, and Other Activities District-Led Activities CORE-Led Activities Other CORE Accountability System College & Career Ready Standards Stakeholder Engagement School Quality Improvement System Implementation

DDYYCODE_## Rubrics CCSS Implementation Check In Expectation5 (highest score)4321 (lowest score) LEA has provided CCSS- and SBAC-based professional development to administrators and teachers LEA has provided PD to all administrators and teachers in an exemplary fashion LEA has provided PD to all administrators and teachers LEA has provided PD to some administrators and teachers in an exemplary fashion LEA has provided PD to some administrators and teachers LEA has not yet begun to provide PD to administrators and teachers LEA has provided training on implementing SBAC-aligned assessment modules to administrators and teachers LEA has provided training to all administrators and teachers in an exemplary fashion LEA has provided training to all administrators and teachers LEA has provided training to some administrators and teachers in an exemplary fashion LEA has provided training to some administrators and teachers LEA has not yet begun to provided training to administrators and teachers LEA has developed and utilizes instructional plans and professional development that include pedagogical shifts of CCSS Instructional plans and PD are aligned to pedagogical shifts in an exemplary fashion Instructional plans or PD is aligned to pedagogical shifts in an exemplary fashion Instructional plans and PD are aligned to pedagogical shifts Instructional plans or PD is aligned to pedagogical shifts Neither instructional plans nor PD is aligned to pedagogical shifts LEA has developed and utilizes instructional plans that address needs of low achieving students, high achieving students, Students with Disabilities, and English Language Learners Instructional plans meet the needs of all four subgroups Instructional plans meet the needs of three of the four subgroups Instructional plans meet the needs of two of the four subgroups Instructional plans meet the needs of one of the four subgroups Instructional plans do not meet the needs of any of the four subgroups LEA has implemented SBAC- aligned assessment modules LEA has fully implemented SBAC-aligned assessment modules in an exemplary fashion LEA has fully implemented SBAC-aligned assessment modules LEA has partially implemented SBAC-aligned assessment modules in an exemplary fashion LEA has begun to implement SBAC- aligned assessment modules LEA has not yet begun to implement SBAC- aligned assessment modules

DDYYCODE_## 7 School Quality Improvement System Implementation Plan Long Term Plan (2014 – 2019) Annual Year-Specific CORE Accountability System College & Career Ready Standards Other Teacher & Principal Evaluations Consult action