Finding the Good Stuff Where do Source Savvy Students look for useful information on the internet? Maplewood MS
Sources of Information Subscription databases Subject directories Search engines
Subscription Database Examples: NetTrekker – Fast, easy access to over 180,000 high quality, pre-screened and educationally relevant K-12 websites.* User Name: mwk8 Password: orcas ProQuest – Another collection of pre-screened websites. User Name: maplewood Password: welcome *
Data bases, cont’d Encyclopedia Britannica – Online encyclopedia especially useful to secondary students* User Name: edmonds Password: 98036 Culture Grams – Includes World, Kids, States, and Provinces editions. Useful basic geographic information.* User Name: maplewoodk8 Password: welcome
Public Library Databases are available of even greater variety databases
Subject Directories KidsClick! Librarians’ Internet Index
Search Engines Pay attention to domains .org .edu .com There is a reason they aren’t called “finding” engines…
Keywords In all cases, a minute of planning will save you an hour of work What words are most relevant? Of course this assumes you have a QUESTION rather than a topic