Huntington Middle School Bully Awareness Plan
STANDARD MSCA6-2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to build an maintain a positive self-concept and a positive self-esteem.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is bullying? How can I not be a victim?
What is Bullying… in Georgia 1. Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so. 2. Any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm.
What is Bullying (continued) 3. Any intentional written, verbal or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate. *Cause another person substantial physical harm or visible bodily harm. *Affects the student’s education. *Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that is creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment. *Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Everything is not considered bullying!!!!
Where may Bullying occur? School property School vehicles Designated school bus stops School related functions/ activities Examples: Dances and athletics games
Cyber-bullying When someone harasses (bothers) children through the internet or texting on the phone This includes social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace. Any use of data or software that is accessed through a computer , computer network, computer system, or other electronic technology supported by the school system.
Consequence: 5 days In School Suspension First Offense Administration will complete an investigation to see if bullying has occurred. If proven that bullying has occurred, the bully’s parents will be notified. Victim’s parents will be notified. Consequence: 5 days In School Suspension
Out of School Suspension Second Offense Administration will complete an investigation to see if bullying has occurred. If proven that bullying has occurred, the bully’s parents will be notified. Victim’s parents will be notified. Consequence: Out of School Suspension
Third Offense If proven that a student in grades 6-12 has committed the offense of bullying for the third time in a school year, administrators will schedule a Student Review Committee meeting. The administration will recommend alternative school to the SRC committee.
BrainPop Video
Brain Pop Activity Give examples of different forms of bullying. What can you do if someone is being mean to you?
Give examples of different forms of bullying. 1. Name calling. 2. Making fun of someone & he/she doesn’t think it is funny. 3. Leaving them out of activities. 4. Taking their stuff. 5. Forcing them to do something they do not want to do 6. Physically hurting them (punching, biting, kicking, pushing) 7. Anything that is unsafe
What can you do if someone is being mean to you? 1. Tell an adult (teacher, school counselor, or parents). 2. Surround yourself with friends. 3. Ignore the bully. 4. Let the bully know, he/she is hurting your feelings.
Cyber Safety
Acceptable Use Policy What is our AUP? Acceptable Use Policy- this explains or tells what a student is allowed to do or use the Internet for, the sites that can be visited on the Internet, and how to protect yourself. It also tells what you will and will not due
What is Cyberbullying? EQ: What is cyberbullying, and how do you deal with it? How is cyberbullying similar or different from in-person bullying? How to handle cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying-use of digital media tools (Internet & cell phones) to deliberately upset or harass ( bother) someone Target- the person that is being bullied Empathize – to imagine the feelings that someone is experiencing
Cyberbullying vs. In-Person Bullying
Wrapping Up!! What are some words or phrases to describe how it feels to be cyberbullied? Differences between the two? How can you handle cyberbullying? Block bully Save & print bullying messages Talk to a friend Tell a trusted adult
Can we help Sondra? Sondra has writtento Dr. Chip Micro, who is a famous TV personality and gives advice to people having problems on line. How can we do the following things: Empathize Understand the situation Offer to help
Lesson 3 EQ: How can you protect yourself from online identity theft? What can you share or not on the Internet? What is personal information? What is private information?
Register- to enter information in order to sign up and get access to a website Personal Information- information that can’t be used to identify you Private Information- information that can be used to identify you Identify theft- when a thief steals someone’s private information and pretends to be that person
Personal vs. Private
Wrapping Up!! Give me an example of identify theft? Distinguish between personal / private information
Lesson 4 Safe Online Talk
EQ: How should you handle inappropriate online talk? Opportunity- a chance for something to happen Pitfall- a hidden or unsuspected problem or danger Inappropriate- not proper; not okay Risky- potentially harmful to one’s emotional or physical well-being Harass- to bother or pressure aggressively
“Don’t talk to strangers.” What does this mean? How might this “rule” change we communicate online?