Third Year Options Meeting BSc. Economics. Craig Webb BSc. Economics Programme Director
Today’s agenda Exam dates. Preparing for exams. Mitigating circumstances. Progression to the third year. 3rd year course unit selection. Final degree calculation.
Examinations. Exam Period: 16th May – 6th June 2018. Check your exam timetable. Resit period: 20th – 31st August 2018.
Preparing for Examinations. Revision: Do you know how to revise? My approach: Ask “what would it mean to have finished revising?” From there, do backwards induction. Exam technique: turning what you know into marks! My advice: treat revision technique and exam technique as skills distinct from your academic knowledge. Master them.
Mitigating Circumstances Bad things happen in life (unavoidable and unexpected with significant impact on your ability to study or perform in an exam). Inform undergrad office (Alex) as soon as possible. Talk with your academic advisor. Complete form and provide appropriate evidence. Do not wait until after the exams.
Progression to 3rd year Pass (≥40%) all compulsory and core units: ECON20501 Microeconomic Analysis 3. (10) ECON20512 Microeconomic Analysis 4. (10) ECON20521 Macroeconomic Analysis 3. (10) ECON20532 Macroeconomic Analysis 4. (10) ECON20110 Econometrics. (20) ECON20120 Mathematical Economics I. (20) No mark below 30% in 40 credits of options.
Progression to 3rd year Resits: Resits are permitted only if you pass (≥40%) at least 40 credits at first attempt. You will normally be granted resits (referrals) for up to 80 credits. After resits, a maximum of 40 credits of fails (only for non-compulsory / non-core) but all ≥ 30%. Extra small print if you are struggling to meet the above. Read the UG Degree Regulations.
Structure of the 3rd Year. In the 3rd year, there are a lot more options. The structure is as follows: No core units. 20 credits from a short options list. Remaining 100 credits of options from the shorter list, or from a wider list of options.
3rd Year Options Shorter List. A (minimum) 20 credits from this list: ECON30290 Mathematical Economics II. (20) ECON30341 Microeconometrics. (10) ECON30401 Time Series Econometrics. (10) ECON30382 Mathematical Finance. (10) ECON30432 Financial Economics. (10) ECON31012 Financial Econometrics. (10)*
Wider Options: Economics ECON30611 Macroeconomics IIIA. (10) ECON30612 Macroeconomics IIIB. (10) ECON30101 The Chinese Economy. (10) ECON30232 Natural Resources Economics. (10) ECON30451 Development Economics IIIA. (10) ECON30511 Topics in Economic History. (20) ECON30821 Business Economics II. (20)
Wider Options: Economics (cont) ECON30852 Money, Banking & Financial Markets. (10) ECON31000 Managerial Economics II. (20) ECON32111 Climate Change Econ. & Policy. (10) ECON32152 Behavioural Economics. (10)*
Wider Options: Economics (cont) ECON32191 International Trade & Policy. (10) ECON32202 Topics in Health Economics. (10) ECON32211 Applied Economics Dissertation A. (20)* ECON32212 Applied Economics Dissertation B. (20)* ECON32162 Communicating Economics. (10) ECON32132 Power, Economics and a Return to Political. (10)
Wider Options: Business / Finance BMAN30060 International Finance. (20) BMAN30091 Financial Derivatives. (10) BMAN30111 Advanced Corporate Finance. (20) BMAN30702 Corporate Contracting & Managerial Behaviour. (10) BMAN30242 Financial Engineering. (10) BMAN31792 Financial Market Microstructure. (10) BMAN31802 Applied Investment Management. (10)
Wider Options: Social Science. SOST30031 Modelling Social Inequality. (20) SOST30012 Theory & Method in Demography. (20)
Wider Options: Others. You can choose up to 20 credits of options that are not on the above list. This requires permission of the Programme Director and relevant school. Options with clear, relevant economic content will be considered favourably.
Econometrics & Mathematical Economics. Recommended Pathways. Recommended Pathway 1: Econometrics & Mathematical Economics. Optional units to include the following 40 credits: ECON30341 Microeconometrics. (10) ECON30290 Mathematical Economics II. (20) ECON30401 Time Series Econometrics. (10)
Recommended Pathways. Recommended Pathway 2: Financial Economics. Optional units to include 40 credits from: Mathematical Finance. Financial Derivatives. Financial Economics. Advanced Corporate Finance. Money, Banking & Financial Markets. Corporate Contracting & Managerial Behaviour. Financial Econometrics. Financial Engineering. International Finance.
Econometrics & Mathematical Economics with Financial Economics. Recommended Pathways. Recommended Pathway 3: Econometrics & Mathematical Economics with Financial Economics. Meet the requirements of both pathways 1 and 2.
Course Unit Option Research Check course unit outlines See options booklet for ways to get there or
Additional Thoughts. How to choose? Choosing what you find interesting? Choosing what you think you will do well in? Choosing units to enhance your CV? For employment. For postgraduate studies. Assessment style: Play to your strengths? Address weaknesses?
Additional Thoughts. Consider the balance across semesters. >70 credits in a semester not allowed. Get it right: confirm pre-req’s, permissions, etc. (lecture clashes?). Do it early: The student system opens in July (date emailed). Popular options can fill up; register quickly. See the handbook on “Preparing for success.”
Final Degree Classification. The overall mark for the programme is calculated as a weighted average: 0.33(Year 2 Average) + 0.67(Year 3 Average). The following criteria are used to classify the degree: Class 1 (First Class): An overall mark ≥ 70%. Passes (≥40%) in ≥ 80 credits. Class 2i (Upper Second Class): 70% > overall mark ≥ 60%.
Final Degree Classification. Class 2ii (Lower Second Class): 60% > overall mark ≥ 50%. Passes (≥40%) in ≥ 80 credits. Class 3 (Third Class): 50% > overall mark ≥ 40%. Passes (≥40%) in ≥ 60 credits.
Degree Classification: Boundary Cases. Class 1 (First Class): 70% > overall mark ≥ 68%. ≥ 70% module grade in ≥ 80 credits. Class 2i (Upper Second Class): 60% > overall mark ≥ 58%. ≥ 60% module grade in ≥ 80 credits. Class 2ii (Upper Second Class): 50% > overall mark ≥ 48%. ≥ 50% module grade in ≥ 80 credits.
Degree Classification: Boundary Cases. Class 3 (Third Class): 40% > overall mark ≥ 38%. ≥ 40% module grade in ≥ 80 credits. Ordinary degree: Can be awarded where ≥ 300 credits are passed, and ≥ 60 credits in the third year.
Thanks, and all the best for the exam period.