Majlis Ansārullāh, USA Tajnid Goals 2015 M. Shahid Mahmood Q’aid Tajnid Majlis Ansarullah, USA 2015
Tajnid Goal 1. Maintain accurate data of ALL ansar in majlis Member code Name Address Telephone – home/cell Year of Birth Email Address Profession Update twice a year March 15 50 points November 30 50 points MA uses addresses in Ansar tajneed to mail monthly newsletter, quarterly Al-Nahl, and taleem exam. Email address is used for summary of khutbah and urgent announcements ONCE-A-Week We are currently considering using phone numbers to make robocalls for ansar announcements Confirm tajneed data. Points will deducted if mail is returned, email bounces back or information is found to be in-correct (through ijtema registration, etc) Majlis Ansarullah, USA 2015
Tajnid FAQs Self service Tajnid update Inactive members Inactive members Unknown members Moved out members Moved in (or turned 40 last year) Total for taleem test We need to publish URL for Jamaat Tajnid on Ansar website Tarbiyyat issue. 3. Find them … 4. TRY to find there whereabouts; call Tajneed for ideas 6. Not a Tajnid question Majlis Ansarullah, USA 2015
Updated tajneed is due by March 15 Questions? Updated tajneed is due by March 15 M. Shahid Mahmood 313-283-3521