Reading & Spelling at South Wilford
How do we teach reading? EYFS & KS1 Daily Phonics 1:1 Guided Reading Introduction to shared reading Cross curricular reading Reading comprehension KS2 Shared reading Read to dogs! Inference Training NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
National Expectations Key Stage 1 much more focus on word reading Key stage 2 more emphasis on comprehension (see breakdown of year group expectations) NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Reading at home & for pleasure Reading at home regularly makes a HUGE difference. The further children move through school, the less opportunity there is to read 1:1 Make it enjoyable! Choose texts they like. Read non-fiction. Read magazines. Talk to them about the text (see prompt questions). Doesn’t have to be long (10 mins) The ultimate goal is that they choose to read independently because they enjoy it! If your child is a confident reader but doesn’t enjoy it – don’t panic! NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Reading Comprehension Year 1&2 children start to think more about understanding what they are reading and start to do more regular reading comprehension activities and tests. KS2 is much more heavily focused on the comprehension side which is the primary method of assessing children’s reading alongside teacher assessment. Being able to read fluently and confidently makes understanding the text easier. Reading at pace allows children to retrieve information more quickly. SATs Test requires children to read 3 texts and answer 50 questions in 1 hour. Literal questions Inference questions NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Inference The area that most children find difficult Understanding elements of the text that are implied or can be worked out through prior knowledge or from clues in the text. Example: As the midday sun rose high into the sky, the Kangaroo Rat burrows deep into the earth, where it stays until evening. Question: why does the Kangaroo Rat burrow into the earth until evening?
Shared Reading Each class has a class set of a quality text (Georges MM, Northern Lights, Wonder) 3/4 times a week, the class read together. Teacher models the reading showing children the tone, intonation, volume, pace and use of punctuation. Children follow along with their own copy of the book. This allows everyone to access a good quality book at a more advanced level. Children read to their partner to allow the teacher to hear children read. Children then complete activities based on what the class have just read. Activities are designed to practice important skills such as: Summarizing, predicting, questioning, inference, finding information, imagining scenes and characters, skim reading, speed reading, improving reading stamina and hopefully helping more children to enjoy getting really stuck into a good book!
Guided Reading In years 1&2 children are introduced to shared reading but in a less formal way. Guided reading – small groups read with an adult and the adult hears children read and can offer advice and support more readily to individual readers. Children still practise similar skills but in a smaller group.
Spelling Current curriculum places greater value on spelling By Year 5 children are expected to be spelling most words correctly and using dictionaries to spell ambitious words. Spelling is an essential objective in their independent writing Spelling makes up 20 marks of the SAT which is added to the Grammar score
How we teach spelling Weekly rule/pattern is taught as a whole class. The weeks spellings are given out and sent home. (On website) Children have the week to learn and practise those spellings at home. Each day children have a short spelling lesson and spelling activities to practise the rule/pattern. Children are encouraged to find other words that follow the same rule/pattern and use them in their writing. Each week spellings are tested and results recorded. Class reward for good spelling scores or most improvement House Spelling competition Weekly spelling stars are celebrated on the corridor display Ipads are used in Year 6 to practise wider range of words (Spelling Shed)
Thank You – Any Questions Thank You – Any Questions? (We are always looking for adults to hear readers)