English 10 - 12/18/17 Respond to the “The Layers” by Stanley Kunitz. Why did the lady sing lullabies to her purse? Kakistocracy – government by the worst people. Goals – Let’s do some redos! Organization and submission of poems for grades. Poetry writing activities. Homework – Practice poem tonight for redo. Study for vocab. 13. She wanted a sleeping bag.
English 10 - 12/19/17 Respond to the “To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter” by Jesse Parent. What do elves learn in kindergarden? Morametia – absolute amorality. Goals – Let’s do some redos! Organization and submission of poems for grades. Poetry writing activities Homework – Study for vocab. 13. The elf-abet!
English 10 - 12/20/17 Five minutes to study for vocab. 13. Respond to the “Somewhere in America ” by Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen. When do you stop at a green and go at a red? Misosophy – hatred of wisdom. Goals – Successfully complete and correct vocabulary 13 quiz. Watch Christmas movie? Homework – None. Have a happy holiday. When you are eating watermelon.