ECOLOGY Introduction of Species
Kudzu kudzu was introduced into the south in the late 1800s from Japan to prevent erosion growth is rapid (up to a foot a day!)
Does this look familiar?
Rabbits in Australia
rabbits were introduced into Australia for game hunting in the mid 1980’s 24 rabbits introduced; within 10 years, 2 million could be killed and have no impact on the numbers rabbits have caused the extinction of many plant and animal species and seriously threaten others (the wombat)
a fence was built to control the spread of rabbits, but it was unsuccessful
a virus was introduced, but the population quickly recovered (some were resistant) rabbit fleas were introduced the cost to control the rabbits - $600 million today, land owners are legally bound to control rabbits on their property
The Damage Caused by the Rabbits
Zebra Mussels native of Russia the zebra mussel probably came to the US on ships and was accidentally introduced in the Great Lakes in the mid-late 1980’s as larva they reproduce rapidly, taking food from native species and clog water drain pipes cause damage to boats
Zebra Mussels
Spread of Zebra Mussels in the US
Mongooses in Hawaii mongooses were introduced to control rat populations (rats aren’t native to Hawaii either) that overran sugar plantations mongooses have run the state bird, the Nene to the brink of extinction; at one time there were only 50 birds in the wild
The Nene of Hawaii