Word Wall Words Brag Tags Mrs. Higgins Week of September 25th Jeans Day: Sept. 26 Picture Day: Oct. 3 Avengers Night: Oct. 4 College Team Dress Down: Oct. 26 Word Wall Words will be part of our phonics study each week. Students will be asked to read the 6 new words each week. This week’s words are: his, that, she, for, on, they. Brag Tags Congratulations to the following friends for earning Brag Tags this week! Nathan: Birthday Brag, Michael: Behavior Brag and Lost a Tooth, Steven: Behavior Brag Spelling Words -OP WORDS (cop, hop, pop) -OG WORDS (dog, jog, fog) -OT WORDS (pot, hot, dot) We are working to develop a strong sense of letter/sound relationships. Therefore, students will not receive a spelling "list" but rather a word family to study and manipulate. Students should know that once they learn the family's sound and spelling pattern, that they can then write any word in that family by changing the beginning sound. Addison – September 13 Nathan – September 18