Gender Specific Labour Market needs of Migrant Women-South Indian Nurses (NHS) Giju George Mary Seacole Research Centre 30/12/2018 DMU
WHO-2004 “The loss of human resources through migration of professional health staff to developed countries usually results in a loss of capacity of health systems in developing countries to deliver health care equitably” 30/12/2018 DMU
Background There has always been a shortage of nurses in the UK and the difficulties in retaining them added towards the recruitment crisis4 The number of new nurses joining the NHS needs to double within 10 years just to keep staff figures stable 3 Indian and Philippines together account for 53% of the non EU intake 2. Previous studies on overseas nurses have shown that there is unequal treatment and social injustice faced by them 1 30/12/2018 DMU
Aim of the Study To find out the perceptions, expectations and long term plans for migrating from Kerala ( India) to the United Kingdom as compared to other Western countries. To find out if the health needs of professional migrant South Indian women are different from the local South Asian community. 30/12/2018 DMU
India 30/12/2018 DMU
Kerala- Facts Represent 3.1% of Indian population =31.8 M Hindu state, 20% Christians 2.4 India 90% nurses Christian community First state to elect Communist government 30/12/2018 DMU
Kerala Cont…. Literacy rate M= 87 Kerala 68.0 India F=91 Kerala 53.6 India Life expectancy M=70 Kerala 59.0 India 74 USA F=74 Kerala 59.4 India, 80 usa Average birth 1.7 Kerala 3.5 India per women Infant mortality 14 Kerala 7 USA per 1000 30/12/2018 DMU
Reason for Shortage Nurses from the UK are heading for Australian, Norway, USA & Gulf. No of midwifes fell from 86,495 in 2002 to 47,617 2004 Underpaid (USA 48- 50,000 US$) Non flexible hours- Major recruitment drive by US hospitals Drop in nursing enrolment at University… some leaving nursing. 30/12/2018 DMU
Preference- UK Documentation formalities get cleared in six months, compared to the US around 1.5 years. No exams as compared to USA “CGFNS” & high standard of TSE. Most are Diploma nurses, BSc migrate to USA, Australia and Gulf. £ =79 Re US$=43Re 30/12/2018 DMU
Differences in migration 2001 Women and then men Highly educated Good command of English Depression and isolation, mental health issues 1960 Men and then family Mostly manual labourer English speaking is poor Suffer from CHD, stroke 30/12/2018 DMU
Hurdles Faced High level of Racism 1 Dropped in status Working unsocial hours No Social life Huge expectations from family members Lack of career pathways Possibility of using UK as an opportunity to migrate to the USA 30/12/2018 DMU
Methodology for future study Focus groups London, Chelmsford, Norfolk, Manchester 8-10 participants per group Confidentiality assured Tape recorder will be used Requirements Female only, separate groups of BSc and Diploma nursing. Below 30 years South Indian origin 30/12/2018 DMU
Anticipated Outcomes Identify variation on level of understanding of health needs of young professional migrant women Identify the levels of education and see if there are any differences in their perception of coming to the UK Identify new risk factors, which were previously underestimated in relation to migration and health 30/12/2018 DMU
References Alexis, O., Vydelingum, V (2004) The Lived experiences of overseas black and minority nurses in the NHS in the South of England Diversity in Health and Social Care 1:13-20 Bradshaw, P.L (1999) A service in crisis? Reflections on the shortages of nurses in the British National Health Service. Journal of Nursing Management 7:129-32 Market and Opinion Research International (MORI) (2002) Internationally Recruited Nurses Member Study. A Survey of the Royal College of Nursing, Internationally Recruited Nurses Members. London: Market and Opinion Research International. Meadows, S., Levenson, R., Baeza, J (2000) The last straw: explaining the nursing shortage. London: Kings Fund Sen, A (1970) Problems of Overseas student and Nurses. Slough: National Foundation of Educational Research in England and Wales 30/12/2018 DMU