table of contents I. What is fraud. II. regulatory history iii table of contents I. What is fraud ? II. regulatory history iii. EMA'S ANTI-FRAUD STRATEGY ( nOVEMBER 2014 )
Intentional breach of a rule Favouritism & collusion WHAT IS FRAUD ? Intentional breach of a rule Financial interests Obtaining a GAIN European Union Misebehaviours Reputational impact Favouritism & collusion
1 Entered into force on 1st June 1999 16 Articles 16 Articles '' Regulation1073/1999 of the European Union Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office '' Responsability for conducting administrative investigations Full independance to exercise its investigative fonction
'' No further action taken '' Decision " to cooperate with the OLAF " 2 " Decision of the European Agency for the evaluation of Medicinal Products of 1st June 1999 concerning the terms and conditions for internal investigations in relation to the prevention of fraud […] " 7 Articles Supply information Assistance '' No further action taken '' Took effect on 1st June 1999 Decision " to cooperate with the OLAF "
Key elements which gave birth to EMA's anti-fraud strategy
Article 69 of Regulation 726/2004 Objective Spreading Article 69 of Regulation 726/2004 Agreement of July 2012 & Article 325 TFEU COMBACT FRAUD ALL EU AGENCIES > > 1073/1999 " shall apply without restriction " & > EMA " shall issue without delay all provisions applicable to all the employees " Anti-Fraud measures
The Anti-Fraud Strategy (November 2014) programm Fraud Risk-assessment Strategic Objectives Zero tolerance approach 4 AREAS OF RISK ALL STAGES OF THE ANTI-FRAUD CYCLE - Data security / theft - Impartiallity of assessment - Procurement - Recruitment - Prevention - Recovery - Detection - Sanction - Investigation
Focus effort on fraud-risk mitigation Develop an anti-fraud culture Goals Develop fraud prevention, detection, reporting, monitoring and handling-capacity Develop prevention and detection of favouritism