Leadership Course Agenda


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Presentation transcript:

Leadership Course Agenda Welcome / Questions? Thoughts about ‘Evaluation’ Introduction / Cpt. 1 Next Day

Evaluation Example Mid-term exam 25% Nov. 2 Individual Work Leadership Log Mentor Paper 20% Nov. 23 Cases Barry Bucks (hand-ins) 15% day-day Group 40% various Charter – Sept 28: 5% Report – Nov. 27: 25% Presentation- Nov. 27:5% Peer Assessment – Nov 27:5%

Evaluation Example Individual project Paper 1 October 18 30% (Mentor / Research Paper) Paper 2 November 12 30% (Reflection Journal; Portfolio) Group Project Leadership Development Dec 25% Participation (Barry Bucks) D2D 15%

Leadership Challenge The World today/yesterday Cynical Power shifted Connected Fragmented Knowledge Based New Social Contract People are Searching for Meaning Leadership in a New Context Heightened Uncertainty People first / TEAM More Connected Social Capital Global Economy Speed Changing Workforce Intense search for Meaning

Chapter 1- The 5 Practices Big Message? Interesting? Wonder points (Critical review)? LLL – who are you now? Who would like to start?                           

Fundamental Practices Context has and Content has not changed Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart

Leadership Defined The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations. What word (or two) ‘speaks’ to you in this definition?

What Constituents Expect - K& P Honest - consistency Forward Looking - vision Competent - record of achievement Inspiring - cheerleader, excited, passion Credibility - trustworthy

Constituents - continued First Law of Leadership “If we don’t believe in the messenger, we won’t believe the message What does this mean to you? Personal experience?

DWYSYWD What do these words mean to you?

Essence of Leadership Confidently express an attractive image of the future - and we must believe that they have the ability to take us there Forward looking and inspiring Dilemma - hold out a vision and people will criticize, therefore credibility suffers

Skill Development Take a minute (or two) to develop a personal story about one of the five practices. Write down the key elements and plan how you will “present” your story. Get together in groups of three and share your story with each other. Were there common aspects?

Next Day Read: Leadership Chapter (on web page) Prepare to discuss Q 1,2,3 on Case Find a “story” on a Canadian Leader. Prepare a written summary (and be prepared to talk) about this person’s leadership style / strengths / weaknesses