Roosevelt & Progressivism Chapter 20 Part 4
Vocabulary You Should Know Progressive Ideas Initiative – allows voters to propose their won legislation. Referendum (plural of referenda) – allows voters to pass judgment on acts already passed by their state legislators.
Politcs Biggest social concerns: corruption, reform, and government regulation. Americans voted in three progressive presidents: Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson
Roosevelt Wealthy, well-educated, and well-liked.
Roosevelt Encouraged to be vice-president. Then McKinley was assassinated. Took advantage of the opportunity to pass reforms.
The Square Deal Government should regulate big business and promote competition, etc. EG: Mine Workers’ Strike (1902) – Roosevelt warned that he might use military to operate coal mines. Roosevelt claimed he want to give a “square deal” to both labor and management.
Protecting People & Resources New legislation (law) that regulated additives in meat and other foods; also regulated the use of narcotics = Pure Food and Drug Act
Protecting People & Resources Roosevelt huge conservationist; demanded government protect lands. Appointed Giffort Pinchot (a close friend and professional forester) to be chief forester.
The End of the Roosevelt Administration Roosevelt could have run again but decided to pick William Howard Taft as his replacement. Due to his popularity, no one objected.